“What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up?”

What's the latest you've ever stayed up?  Probably the 4th of July. Yeah like at least 12:00 no, no 11:30. When -- when I probably went to bed.  That seems about right cause I think we had fireworks until about 11:00 and then we probably stayed up for a little while.  And then and then I didn't actually go to sleep at -- it was probably at least 12 when I do sleep, when I actually fell asleep on my bed. I usually when I'm in bed, I just stay there until I’m sleepy and then I just closed my eyes and go to sleep. Does it take you a long time to go to sleep you think? Yeah. So what do you think about while you're trying to go to sleep?   Nothing I just sit there, look along my bedroom. How can you look around your bedroom when it’s dark? I can see. You can see?  Yeah. Oh man. That's a good super power. To be able to see in the dark. What’s your bedtime now?   It used to be 9:00 now, It's 10:00. No it probably used to be 8:00.  And then now, then there's nine and then now it's 10:00. I go to sleep at 10:00.  Are you in night time person or a morning person? Nighttime Nighttime person for sure. Yeah, but I stay up, I like playing video games.

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“So we switched to an all online school to see how that goes”

The online schooling has been nice cause I have a lot of extra time now to do what I want to do. Since we don't have to be in the classroom the whole time, and yeah. I guess another thing I guess I could talk about is I had switched schools this year cause my school didn't have a very good -- my family wasn’t very happy with my school's plan. So we switched to an all online school to see how that goes, and I'm kind of excited. I've always wanted to try an all online school. And so I guess yeah, I guess that's finally come true.

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“What does what sets Michigan apart from its neighbors, Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio?”

What does what sets Michigan apart from its neighbors, Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio?  Since I live in the U.P. and I live in one of the counties that border on Wisconsin. The U.P., you know, we have a distinctive identity, I guess among ourselves and probably among the state of Michigan as Yoopers. We're traditionally kind of used to taking care of ourselves here.  What sets us apart from our neighbors? Actually, we don't, up here where we are. We're a lot like Wisconsin or maybe I should say Wisconsin is a lot like us. You know, we're in the Upper Midwest, the Lake Superior region, we’re a lot like Minnesota in some ways. We're probably more alike than anything else. I think Michigan and the Midwest are -- are different from other parts of the country and the fact that we -- We are like, maybe not all other people aren't, but we are salt-of-the-earth people type thing we're used to doing again, just like the Yoopers, we’re used to doing stuff on our own. We're -- we're kind of just, you know buckle down and get it done by people. Not that other people aren't, just that apparently that seems to be our -- our Thing. I don't know.

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“We were supposed to fly home at the end of April but Plan B became renting a car and driving back.”

So now my father passed away, now coming up on three years ago, and my mother is still quite independent at the age of 89. She likes to go to Florida in the winter and I like to go with her and allow that to happen. She is not really comfortable being down there on her own, but that's fine with me because I am still working and can work from whatever location I might be in remotely. So again, that's a blessing that I feel so fortunate to have a number one a job, and number two to be able to do it from anywhere in the US. Let's see what else, so my mom and I were actually in Florida in the beginning of the year when things started heating up about covid-19. And at that point the news just kept getting worse and worse and scarier and scarier and she did not really feel safe being down in Florida away from her doctors and my other sisters who are also in the vicinity of Michigan where we live near Ann Arbor, and she wanted to go home.  So we were supposed to fly home at the end of April but Plan B became renting a car and driving back to Michigan. And of course, my mother doesn't drive, the responsibility for getting her home safely was on my shoulders. I got the rental car, cleaned it all out, let it sit in the sun for a couple of days. Make sure there were no germs in it before she got in, and then made the drive without an overnight stop. We had food packed, so we wouldn't have to go to any restaurants. I stopped to nap a couple of times, but it was pretty much a straight twenty-four-hour run from Fort Myers, Florida up to Ann Arbor, Michigan to get my mom home. And I will say that drive was a bit surreal. You know people were just starting to wear masks at that point. I used gloves when I had just stopped to fill up the car. Some people were not, I felt strange putting on a rubber glove to touch the gas pump, and use the touch screen and that was also really scary. We used restrooms, public restrooms and you know every surface we touched we wiped before we touched it. We had…

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