So, I am completing my first year as an undergraduate student, and it’s been quite the journey, just getting here and all so, um, like completing the year itself, but specifically I’m packing up my dorm.
I’m like pack- — I’m packing everything up, and I don’t consider myself to be quite a collector. If you were to ask me outright, I would say that I’m quite minimal, but after seeing everything that I have accumulated this year, I have to come with the — I have to grasp the fact that I may be a tad bit of a collector. Um, my friends and I, we tend to frequent the crafting events on campus, and so there’s usually extras, so I take like things like collages or like jewelry making supplies and I put this all into like ottomans in my dorm. And now that I’m going through the ottomans, I’m realizing I may have a tad bit of a problem with crafting, and I’m not sure how I’m going to get all home.
So I’m sitting here in my dorm, everything’s absolutely in shambles, and I’m going through this like, it’s um, it’s quite a curation of artifacts. But yeah, everything everything’s in such a disarray, believe it or not. I’m supposed to be out by tomorrow, my mother is coming to collect me. And yeah, I highly doubt everything’s going to fit into our car.
And as a side note, I’ve hung up quite a bit of posters, and some of them have ripped off the paint off the wall, and I’m not trying to catch a charge, so what I’ve done is, because they’ve repainted over these walls so many times the paint kind of comes off in these like layered chunks. So they’re very pliable. It’s like a piece of paper. And so I have taken some of these crafting supplies that I’ve collected over my over the year, and I have begun gluing them back onto the wall. Um, because I don’t know what else to do.
So, I started taking off these like little pieces that have come off the wall, and then you know what, I’m going with my Elmer’s glue stick, and I’m just sticking them back on and they’re actually staying, so I’m going to consider that a win. I’m going to say that’s my win for the week.