“I finished a music composition just with digital, like, instruments.”

I finished a music composition just with digital, like, instruments for a project I'm doing for s- -- I guess I can say I'm doing it for school. It's a graduation requirement for our school. So I -- well, my group at least for this project -- I'm also doing another CAAS project with another group, but for this project, this CAAS project -- Or CAAS means creativity, art, activity and service, and it's part of the IB program. So for this CAAS project, my group wanted to make a Webtoon. So there's some people in charge of drawing and storyboarding. I'm kind of helping with the storyboarding, but I'm also making mu- some music on the side for background music. So I finished the composition background music for the prologue. We're probably just gonna have the Webtoon run for a couple of episodes, not too many, and then, yeah. I finished that on Thursday.

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“Why would the first thing I want to do is to turn something that excites me into capitalism?”

I'm creative, I'm an artist. I just like to do things with my hands. I like to create, so I just have lots of hobbies and -- like knitting, printmaking, sewing, quilting, like this kind of thing. And so often, people will -- like their immediate response to that is, “You could make money off of this.” And like for instance, this is, this wasn't even like a craft thing, but like I, I have very vivid dreams. I always have, so I write them down. And I wanted to make some sort of spreadsheet that could show what I can see. Like, who are the people -- sorry, there's a cat rubbing up against my phone because she desperately wants pets. Who are the people I dream about the most? Like, what kinds of things? So like, there was one time where I was reading back some dreams and I realized that I dreamt about stairs and elevators a lot. And if anyone had asked me if I had dreamt about stairs and elevators, I'd be like, “I don't know, probably not. Maybe a few times,” but it was a lot more than I thought. And so I just, like, I wanted to see common themes, common, like, objects that appear, common like -- like you know, how many times am I dreaming about flying or, you know, losing my teeth or, you know, things like that. An interesting aspect of this was that the people I dream about the most are my co-workers by far. But anyway, we were at a, at a work meeting. We were talking about, like, what's one thing that you're currently working on that you're excited about -- like, a non-work thing. And so I was talking about my dream spreadsheet and even showed a page that was like highlighted, because I was printing out all my dreams and I was highlighting things like, "Okay if it mentions a co-worker, it's this color. If it mentions a family member, it's this color, and then if it’s like, you know, mentioning a place or --" anyway. And the first reaction was so insane. You know, I know people who would pay for this like once you have this spreadsheet all worked out like, where they could just input their dreams and get like graphs and stuff, like, and someone else said that too. She's…

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“So here I am, driving this truck with a steer in the back jumping around…”

When I was about 14, my brother and I loaded up a steer to be taken to the market. The -- we'd sold the beef to some people. And we load it in the back of our pickup truck, which had side racks that you would use for transporting animals. And partway to the market, the steer decided he didn't want to be in there and he kept trying to jump out. There was no roof on the top of it. And so it was just side rails -- side racks that went up, and he was trying to jump over it and we had to stop the truck and my brother told me, "Get out and get on the rack and uh, keep him in,” you know, “Use --" we had, um, an ax handle, not with an ax on it -- an actual ax head on it, but you have an ax handle and if you tap them on the nose, they don't like to be tapped on the nose and we would use that to make cattle back off. But anyway, I said, "I can't do that. I'd be terrified to do that." And so, and so he said, "Well, you're gonna have to drive then." Of course, I didn't know how to drive. I was only 14, but he quickly showed me. It was a stick shift on the floor, and -- in this truck, and so he showed me how to, to put it into gear and to get it going and stuff, and I got it into gear but I could only get it into first gear. I couldn't figure out how you shifted up to second gear after you were in first gear. So here I am driving this truck with a steer in the back jumping around, my brother hanging on the side rails trying not to get himself killed, and we're chugging down the road. And then we had to turn on to the road where the meat market actually was. And when I tried to make that turn, of course, I don't know how to drive to start with and this thing is jumping around. So the, the vehicle is lunging back and forth and stuff and I overshot the corner and then I had to figure out how to get it in reverse to back up and go around…

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“I kept scratching off the numbers and I never had a match until a couple of years ago.”

And the postcard came in with a serial number, which is like a lottery number printed on the surface. And then the recipient of the card is invited to scratch off little circles beneath the series of numbers that are visibly printed. And if the scratched off numbers match the visible numbers then one has won a Toyota truck. So I received this postcard for many, many weeks or months on end and I kept scratching off the numbers and I never had a match until a couple of years ago. And all of a sudden, wham! The numbers that I scratched off matched the numbers that were visibly printed on the postcard, meaning that I had won a Toyota truck. Here's the catch. If your scratched off numbers match the visibly printed numbers you have three business days to call in to that Toyota dealership in Americus, Georgia to claim the truck you wi- -- you won. I visit my US Post Office box number a couple of times a week. And when I picked up this card, I picked it up on day three. But I picked it up after the close of business at the Toyota dealership in Americus, Georgia and discovered only after that business had closed for the day that I had won a Toyota truck. So I picked up my cell phone and I called the number immediately. And I was informed that the dealership had closed for the day. I called the next morning, and my call was not accepted. I had won a Toyota truck, but I had contacted the dealership just a few short hours too late.

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