It’s May 16, my 62nd birthday today.
Today I want to talk about one of the side benefits of the — well, maybe not side benefits. But one of the benefits of this pandemic is that it’s brought life down to its core, to a simpler life. I want to talk about the simpler life.
First of all, I want to talk about entertaining. So last night for my birthday and two of my friends who had a birthday this week. I had them over. And we entertained by having a fire in our backyard and a little portable fire pit. We have had this fire pit for a couple of years and we’ve used it more this year than we ever have before.
Before, it never seemed good enough to have people over just to sit around that fire. It seemed like I’d have to have an event I’d have to orchestrate more, but it was so simple and so good last night these two couples came over. They brought their own chairs, they brought their own beer. We sat around six feet apart around that fire and we just had good conversation and watched the fire and then the sun went down and they went home and it was just a lovely evening.