“We were pretending to be married and I fell off a balcony”

I think my older sister's already going to do this, but it's about her, no, it's about your YouTube channel. It's about her YouTube channel. Have you uploaded any videos yet? Today? No like, in all, like, in general, how many? Two or three. So she's uploaded two or three videos. I doubt they're very popular, but unlike my little sister, she's had hers for longer and hers, I mean doesn't, yeah. I'm on that YouTube channel. Well, only, yeah, I am too. I'm in there for A) I'm stunts. It's me and my sister's little segment type thing where we did a video of a bunch of like weird stuff that we did. Like we were pretending to be super weird, like I don't know how to explain it. We were like falling and stuff like on purpose. We were trying to be eccentric. I don't know what that means, but we were pretending to be married and I fell off a balcony and it's, you might want to see it.

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“…I built a snowman at the ski hill and I did it with my friend…”

Anyway, my story is one day I built a snowman at the ski hill and I did it with my friend, and we just -- there wasn't a ton of snow, but we built it in this area by the ski hill, so that people look to the right when they're coming up the tow road. They can see. It's on like a detour thing on one of the hills. It's like a flat area but, and it's just in the woods, so you can just see it if you look to the right when you're going up the main tow road. Anyways, we built it out of candy wrappers, litter that we found, different sticks, and I don't know acorns or whatever, and we built a family. Jimmy John, Martha, not Martha, sorry, Eliza and Martin, and they were a family of three, a very happy family. Okay, so I go home and apparently my Dad -- The person I built it with, she was like crying to her dad and she was like "Someone knocked over Martin! Someone knocked over Martin!" and probably Eliza too and maybe Jimmy John. So it was kind of funny but -- well it wasn't funny, but it's funny to me now.

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“The kind of thing that I associate whenever I’m eating lobster is… my family being together.”

So for me I have a decently interesting story for behind like what's my favorite food. So I really like lobster. Lobster tastes, tastes pretty good. The way my mom makes it is pretty good, but kind of the memory I associate with having lobster or like the kind of thing that I associate whenever I'm eating lobster, is kind of like, my family being together because she would always make lobster since it's fairly more expensive than just what I normally eat. Like, I don't eat lobster every day. It's reserved for special occasions like a holiday or a birthday celebration. And for these celebrations, my whole family would gather together and my mom would, of course, cook the lobster for dinner. And I love the taste of seafood and kind of like the novelty of, because it would just be like once every few months that I would be having this dinner. So, definitely, like I like the change of pace and also because It would be the gathering of, like, my family. My siblings are significantly older than me and they don't, they didn't often like come home except for these celebrations or holidays so whenever they would come home it would be, they would enjoy this lobster dinner with me and there would usually just be a fun time with everyone together.

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“I’m doing this summer program where I get to connect with people like across the world”

And then another really cool thing that had happened is I'm doing this summer program where I get to connect with people like across the world and I got to connect with this person in Indonesia and she's gonna be like -- kind of like a mentor for me and it's so crazy but like we can -- we are so alike in so many ways. We have a lot of the same interests and I was just talking to her about like horror movies and like these thrillers, like I'm really into that stuff and it's really hard for me to find people that are into that stuff like my age, and we started talking about this show like Dexter, and we both really, really like the show and I like, literally have never met someone who liked that show in my age group and it was just so crazy to be able to talk about that stuff.

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“They’re honestly probably one of the best places ice cream around town.”

I saw that you guys have a new partnership with Frosty Boy. So cute. I grew up right across street from that. I have many a good memories of Frosty Boy. When I was a kid. My favorite was the pink bubblegum swirl soft serve. If I'm going to do hard serve, I'm a butter pecan girl. But yeah, I would knock on my dad's workshop door, and like beg for change all the time and he'd give me some change. And I'd go over to Frosty Boy, sometimes with friends. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't know who I would, I would definitely go with people but I don't remember who. Maybe my brother? Maybe the neighbors? Anyway, but yeah. You sit on the wall. Never sit on the tables. You always sit on the wall. You slide down it cuz that's the best. Yeah, I was very sad when they closed and then they were like some barbecue joint for a while. I'm thrilled that they've been back there. They're honestly probably one of the best places ice cream around town.

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“My friend group would just be changing constantly”

Yeah, good to see those folks in the Zoom call. There were six folks there. I find it kind of funny that like, as I recall like through High School, my friend group would just be changing constantly, you know, every semester you would switch classes and that would sort of switch your friend group. Or it would, you know, it would mutate your friend group. But like the friend group that I had senior year, that is still like the people from high school that I hang out with or reach out to, you know. It's like on this call, there were six people. One person's in the UK now. One person's in New York. I'm in Livonia. Two people are still in Ann Arbor and one person's in Detroit. And the other pattern that I noticed is like, I don't know, over the past few months, I've been kind of thinking. Just feeling like behind in life in a weird way. This is getting heavy, Michigan Diaries. I didn't realize this was going to happen, but like I live in a little apartment like I don't know. I just have this feeling like I should own a house or something. And like have a wife and have kids. Like, I hung out with my friend this past week. He was my roommate in college. He's like the same as me, he's single, working professional, doesn't have kids. And like same thing with virtually all the people on this Zoom call. Like that was, it's just interesting cuz that's, how would you call them? I don't know, it was just my crew in high school and like two of them finished PhDs. They are not married. Don't have kids. The other people who are working are not married, but they are in long-term relationships. Also don't have kids. So it's just funny, like, I guess maybe, I don't know, maybe I'm comparing myself to my step-sisters, and they had kids and got married, you know, in their twenties. But yeah like my my social group that I was forged from, they're all very similar to me now. So that's, I just find that kind of funny. Like fast forward, twelve years or dude, more than twelve years. I graduated high school '07. Oh my God, fourteen years. Coming up fifteen years. I started getting gray hair in my twenties…

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“A baked good that I always associate with being at my grandmother’s place…”

So this week, my husband and I took a little vacation, or I should say, try to take a little vacation and we went to Grand Rapids, just about two hours west of here, northwest of here. And I have to say, having our, our, our trip was made a little more challenging by the weather, because we wanted to do some things outside and it rained an awful lot. So some of those things weren't possible and we even ended up coming home a little early. But our last day because we were casting about for things to do. I saw that there was a store in Wyoming, Michigan, which is like a suburb in the west of Grand Rapids. And they said that they serve -- that they're an importer and they had a lot of products from the Netherlands. And so I was intrigued by that since my family's half Dutch, and so we drove out there and when we got in, and I was looking around at all the stuff, I saw that they had almond patties. And almond patties are a traditional Dutch baked good that I always associate with being at my grandmother's place, visiting my grandmother's house in Orange City, Iowa, which as I think I've mentioned before is a town that was like founded by Dutch settlers and still has a very strong Dutch identity. It's not unlike Holland, Michigan in that. Anyway, one of the bakeries there makes these fantastic almond patties. And I've never had them anywhere else and I've never seen them anywhere else, and it's probably been twenty years since I've had one, possibly more. So I saw that they had some there. And what was really interesting to me is that these that they had were from Iowa. They were frozen obviously brought in on some truck or something, I don't know if Michigan people just don't -- just don't make almond patties, maybe it's more of an Iowa thing, whatever. We got some, and thawed one out and took a bite, and it was just like exactly as I remembered, and it just took me back to eating them as a kid and eating them when I was in Orange City, and it was just like a great memory and like a fantastic taste they are very rich and delicious and I really like them.

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“And so I went through this state of confusion”

Looking back to the beginning, was there a specific moment you realized this was going to be a big deal? Oh yeah, oh COVID. I remember very -- I remember exactly actually. It was mid March, and I guess that's not exact, but I remember it was one day until my state meet for my synchronized swimming competition. And we had been practicing for months and months and months. And the next day was going to be our meet. And I remember at school, they started talking about this whole COVID thing, like, "oh in a couple of weeks we might take a week or something off." And I was like, "okay, yeah, whatever, taking a week off is chill." And then that was on a Thursday and then that Friday like there was no school. I remember I had a physics test that Friday and I was so happy there was no school 'cause I did not want to take the physics test. But I was super, super upset because we also didn't have our state meet. I was like, "wait, what? So are we rescheduling it? What is going on?" So then just like that, like a week went by, and I was like, "okay, well, they did say a week," and then I started watching the cases and they just kept going up. And I was like, "wait a second, wait a second. This is not -- this is not what supposed to be happening, you know? This is like something that happened so far away, like why is this affecting me? Like, I don't understand." And so, I went through this like state of confusion, I guess.

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“It’s been really difficult for me but hopefully I can move past this feeling and work hard.”

This week has been exciting, but it's also been a little bit sad. I was taking part in the American Legion Auxiliary program for Girls' State Michigan. And it was fun, it was exciting. And I made a lot of great friends and learned that I probably will want to go into law for my career. But I was also sad because I didn't get into Girls' Nation and I didn't get scholarships that I wanted to get. So that part has been pretty upsetting to me, but I am glad that I made some friends, even though they are scattered all around the state, including the Upper Peninsula. I probably won't be able to see them very much, but I'm glad that I at least now have a new group of girls to talk to. So that's -- that's pretty fun. Yeah, having to deal with the feeling of not being good enough to win the scholarships and to win Girls' Nation has been something that I've really been struggling with over the past two days. Even though I've known that I've worked hard, it's tough for me to see other girls who have worked just as hard as I have get it and wonder like what could I have done to be better? What could I have done to actually achieve the goals that I want to achieve? It's been really difficult for me but hopefully I can move past this feeling and work hard and possibly even harder in the future to work towards what I want to do.

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“The pandemic has kind of shown me that no, you don’t need to be afraid”

Further into Corona when we went on a hybrid schedule... so two of our days would be in person and then the other two would be virtual, I was nervous obviously cuz I didn't know who was gonna be there. And when I got into class, I didn't know anyone very well because this was the first time that I had taken these classes in person. And so I remember having to stretch myself very outside of my comfort zone in order to start a conversation with those around me and get out of my comfort zone and just talk to people that I wouldn't have normally talked to. And I remember, my -- one of my really good friends now, we didn't know each at the beginning of Corona, or we didn't know each other that well, like, we were acquaintances. But we never talked much. And so I had to take a leap and I just struck up a conversation with her one day in our German class, and she turned out to be very friendly and very nice. And she's one of my closest friends now and I'm really grateful for Corona because I had had anxiety over social situations before this and I feel like the Coronavirus really pushed me to create social interactions and to just lean out of my comfort zone and discuss things with people that I wouldn't normally discuss because we have nothing else to talk about and to create those new bonds and to create these new friendships. And I -- I feel like that's one of the ups that this pandemic has really shown me is to get over my social fears of possibly being rejected or just tons, tons of different things that I was afraid of that the pandemic has kind of shown me that no, you don't need to be afraid of this cuz everyone, everyone is afraid of it. And so that is one of the things that I am actually thankful about the pandemic for.

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