“…our plans haven’t necessarily been cancelled…just that we’ve had to reschedule them”

So for the past couple weeks, there’s two things that I’ve been very grateful for. The first is that my fiancĂ© recently had surgery which was a much more not scary but I guess anxious process to have that happen during the pandemic, but everything went fine. The recovery has been just as planned, as far as surgeries go it’s been a good one. There’s been no problems or complications. Another thing that I’m grateful for is that we are still going to get married this year, the plans of that have changed. There is no longer any big ceremony or reception, but we still plan on having something very small with a safe amount of the people who are closest to us get together and then once it is safe to do so to have a bigger sort of celebration with more extended family and friends that are — are good friends, but not our very very close friends. I’m grateful that we still get to do something and that our plans haven’t necessarily been cancelled for good, just that we’ve had to reschedule them and move them. That’s something that’s been difficult, is trying to arrange those changes and also just get ready for the upcoming rest of the year.

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