I guess today I would just like to talk about some things that I'm seeing on television and public, out in public. There are billboards. I was driving in the southwest part of the state recently, and noticed that there were some billboards to build awareness around safety with the virus. So one of them showed some young people huddled around a campfire and the headline was "Bonfire? Don't get burned by Rona." At first, I thought who's Rona? And then "Oh coronavirus!" I suppose maybe that's what young people call the virus, is Rona. I'm not really affiliated with college-age students. So, that was, that was a little new to me, it did really catch my attention. And then immediately following that was another billboard that said something like "Going for a brew?" and it showed a guy like leaning on a bar or sitting on a stool at a bar. So, "Going for a brew? Don't bring Rona too." Or something to that effect, so that it rhymed and again quite eye-catching and appealing especially if you're a younger person who calls the virus Rona.