“…it’s been kind of an almost Christmas stocking feel on our fireplace for the past nine months.”

We had been in our apartment building in Boston, we just moved to Lansing. But, when we were still in our apartment we moved in right before Christmas last year and I put in — we had a like a mantle and a fake little fireplace — It didn’t work, but it looked pretty. And I put in some hooks for stockings for myself and my spouse and our cats, we had three little hooks up there. And when the pandemic started in March, mid-march, basically by the point that we started collecting multiple face masks. We used those hooks to store our face masks. And so it’s been kind of a almost Christmas stocking feel on our fireplace for the past nine months. And I was running into the question of what are we going to do with Christmas decorations? Where we going to put our stockings? Cause we need, we still need a place to put our masks. But that question actually is gonna end up being pretty moot because we just moved. So we no longer have our stocking hook-masks set up in place.

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