“If I’d rather have small hands or big feet? You know, I think I’d rather have small hands.”

If I'd rather have small hands or big feet? You know, I think I'd rather have small hands because then you can, a lot of times you're trying to reach into a small spot and you're just trying to squeeze your hands in there, and you're like if only they were a little bit smaller I can get in and do that, you know, turn that thing, or grab that thing. And I feel like if you had big feet instead of being more like a sturdy, you're thinking like a sturdy base. I feel like you're more gonna trip, when you're walking down the street, you just have more feet to trip on. Maybe that's just cause I stumble around and trip on my feet already, that I'm thinking "More feet? More feet's gonna make ya fall and trip even more!" But yeah, I feel like big feet would be kind of a hinderance than small hands. Although there's some things you couldn't do, you would be able to fit your hands in a lot more small places, to do tiny little work, or get stuff out especially like with your car, or with little art projects. You'd be able to do some of those hard things a little bit easier and I feel like most things you'd still be able to do with smaller hands. But with big feet, I just feel like you're asking to never have shoes in your size and to always trip and fall.

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“…when they have kids, they use kids as an excuse to play in the snow and feel fine doing it.”

So we're still suspects to receiving lots of lake effect snow and we received about, I don't know six to eight inches last night here. And so today on Sunday we decided to take our sleds down to the dunes, and just do some hiking and sled down hills that we encountered along the way. Went up to a dune top that might be called Mount Edward, which is on the Northern tip of Warren Dunes State Park and we sledded down that and it was fun. And it was great. So this is probably our first super significant snowfall of the winter. If you don't count Christmas. Christmas was a pretty good snow fall, it was like four inches, but if you live in Michigan you know that four inches of snow is not a whole lot. It's great for Christmas cause it was so beautiful. But, today was the first really significant pile up, so it was great just get out there and play in it for a while. Even if I am about to turn thirty seven. I don't think you ever are too old to play in the snow. That's what I've gathered. And I think my theory is a lot of times, folks my age and older, when they have kids, they use kids as an excuse to play in the snow and feel fine doing it. But I don't think you need kids to have fun in the snow. It's just, it's one of those things.

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“What am I grateful for this week? And it’s a simple answer for me this week, acrylic paint.”

I'm going to try to answer the question of what am I grateful for this week? And it's a simple answer for me this week, acrylic paint. Which sounds kind of strange, but I have been pursuing a hobby of painting rocks. There's a project that's been around for several years, I don't know exactly when it started, but it is called Kindness Rocks and a woman started painting rocks and hiding them. I mean, they're painted with messages or sayings or just designs and hiding them for people to find. And you know it brings really amazing joy to people to find these rocks. And I’ve had no visibility to this -- oh, well, I should go back to why am I grateful for acrylic paint this week: I've been painting rocks and specifically rocks that my husband asked me to paint some rocks to use as markers in our garden. So I've done let's see summer squash, red pepper, green pepper, jalapeno pepper, habanero, lettuce, watermelon, carrots, eggplant, zucchini, cucumbers and radishes and cantaloupe. And along with that some of ‘em I've put cute little sayings on like the cucumber has “dill with it” and “you're so cuc” like cucumbers. So I'm not a great artist or you know, can't really draw so it's by, I told him I’m happy to do these rocks for you as long as you can read. So I'm putting the names of all the plants on the rocks along with an image that I've tried to create, conveying what the plant is supposed to be. So they'll go in our garden when we're seeding and looking forward to a good summer crop before all of the weeds come and destroy those fantasies that we have of a garden.

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