“If I’d rather have small hands or big feet? You know, I think I’d rather have small hands.”

If I’d rather have small hands or big feet? You know, I think I’d rather have small hands because then you can, a lot of times you’re trying to reach into a small spot and you’re just trying to squeeze your hands in there, and you’re like if only they were a little bit smaller I can get in and do that, you know, turn that thing, or grab that thing. And I feel like if you had big feet instead of being more like a sturdy, you’re thinking like a sturdy base. I feel like you’re more gonna trip, when you’re walking down the street, you just have more feet to trip on. Maybe that’s just cause I stumble around and trip on my feet already, that I’m thinking “More feet? More feet’s gonna make ya fall and trip even more!” But yeah, I feel like big feet would be kind of a hinderance than small hands. Although there’s some things you couldn’t do, you would be able to fit your hands in a lot more small places, to do tiny little work, or get stuff out especially like with your car, or with little art projects. You’d be able to do some of those hard things a little bit easier and I feel like most things you’d still be able to do with smaller hands. But with big feet, I just feel like you’re asking to never have shoes in your size and to always trip and fall.

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