“Just in case you were wondering what happens if you just, like, continue to boil eggs without water…”

We were living in an off campus apartment and it probably didn’t have functional, uh, smoke detectors if I’m being honest. Um, but I was just doing something so simple. I was making hard boiled eggs. So I put the eggs on the stove, was waiting for the water to boil, and then I don’t know what happened. I clearly got very distracted, but I fully like left the apartment, went shopping or something, like grocery shopping. I don’t know. And it wasn’t for what I was making. Like I had no memory of even putting the eggs on the stove. And I came home and I was actually living with that same person that burnt the meat and all of the water had evaporated from the eggs. 

And then, just in case you were wondering what happens if you just, like, continue to boil eggs without water, they exploded like bombs all over the ceiling. So there was like chunks of egg — thankfully it was like — they were — they had been boiled obviously, so it wasn’t, you know, like yolk that was caked on the walls. It was like chunks of egg that was easier to get off, but I came home to that roommate like picking egg off of the ceiling and, um, she was surprisingly good natured about it. Maybe she was remembering her mishap, but she wasn’t really that upset which was a nice relief.

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