“Now when I have to write something longer than a grocery store list, my hand cramps up.”

Qualities of my life that have eroded over time would include handwriting. I was born in 1990 and that means that the entirety of my schooling career, if you'll call it that, involved taking notes by hand. And if you wanted to copy your friend's notes, unless you were rich and had a digital camera -- as opposed to a film camera -- you would have to copy them by hand. So it literally didn't matter. You -- the only way to get notes was to have them by hand or have somebody give them to you. And so for 20 some years, I was handwriting notes to lectures and classes and everything like that, right? And then I stopped going to school, and then computers became, like, the main thing. And then I took a lot of assistant jobs with data entry as the main job, and then I learned to type insanely fast, to toot my own horn. Ah, apparently a hundred-some words per minute at 99% accuracy is kind of weird, I guess? At least in my area it is, which is kind of sad to me, but whatever. Anyways, transferred my fingers to doing a new skill rather than handwriting, and so now when I have to write something longer than a grocery store list, my hand cramps up. And by that, I mean like, my muscles freeze. Like, my, my fingers get stuck in weird positions and I have to kind of crunch ‘em to get ‘em to go back. And I -- if I write, you know, a few lines, I have to shake my hand out. And you know, I've had my share of mental health struggles and they say, "Journal!" and I'm like, "No! Absolutely not! That hurts!" It has eroded. My God, it's, it’s eroded so bad that like, if you could imagine my life as a statue with a face, the nose is gone. Like, I cannot write to save my life. Like, it’s just -- after a few sentences, it’s just: crunch! And I, I know I have to not be the only one. I cannot be the only one. Like, nobody talks about this, but like, I have to not be the only one, right?

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“One day, it just was gone. And I’m still devastated.”

Huh. Something of mine that went missing mysteriously... It's really ironic this came up, because I was just thinking about it the other day. When I lived in Vancouver, I took a trip to Whistler, which is where the mountain hills where the Olympics were for, like, snowboarding and stuff in 2010. We go, we see the Olympic Village, we take the gondola ride up on the mountains, it's beautiful... and I bought this cute dainty little Canadian maple leaf necklace, and I have no clue where it went. Like one day, it just was gone. And I'm still devastated, and that was 11 years ago. I lost it in 2013. So sometimes I think to myself like, "Oh, I'd love to get another,” but like, if I'm gonna get it, I want to get it again from, like, somewhere I know, not just like ordering it on Amazon. It was such a cute necklace and it meant so much, so that's one that, like, bothers me. I really miss that necklace.

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“I put a picture of myself in everybody’s closets.”

"Have you ever purposely left something like a drawing in a public space to leave your mark? What was it?" I've worked in [town name] for 10 years as a preschool teacher, and then I moved out to [town name]. What a difference it, it was, going from this huge metropolis to teeny tiny cow town. When I was leaving, I didn't want anybody to forget me -- not that I thought I was forgettable! But I put a picture of myself in everybody's closets. I, I came back by probably about five years after I left to visit with everybody, and the one teacher was still there and she pointed to her closet, and my picture was still in there some five years later. I marked my spot.

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“Four miles from the dealership, and it got destroyed.”

So, one of the prompts is something that I cared about that got destroyed. I -- My first car -- mind you, I'm 17. So my first car after six months of having it… I named her and everything. I loved her. She had a few things wrong with her,  so we took her to the dealership to get fixed. She got fixed, my dad was driving her home, and in a roundabout, someone hit my dad because they cut the lane and the entire back of my car -- they were coming so fast, the entire back of my car -- the axle broke. Everything was just messed up, and so my car got totaled. And I was really sad because it took a solid four, maybe four weeks or three weeks for my car to get fixed up, so I was like waiting and it didn't even -- took like four miles from the dealership, and it got destroyed, and then I never got to drive her again. So, yeah.

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