“Martial arts is still really fun.”

Well, I'm already doing martial arts right now, so, that's all that I'm doing. It's really fun sometimes. I've got friends. I can do some karate kicks. I don't really know anything that kind of looks like the real thing, but I want to learn how to get a fly through the chopsticks like, uh, Mr. Miyagi from the -- from the Karate Kid. So, yeah. That would be pretty nice if I could do that. And martial arts is still really fun. We get to learn forms, which is basically like a series of actions. We have to shout, which is called kihap-ing, but I figure that maybe I shouldn't expose everything. The instructors are nice. They yell a lot, that's normal. Yeah.

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“Nothing else on the itinerary did he veto except the picnic.”

The last time I attempted to have a picnic, I was making i- -- an itinerary for a trip with a friend of mine. And I threw out a bunch of things because he wasn't really trying very hard to make the itinerary even though he had previously said that he was going to. And at one point as he's going through the itinerary, he's like pretty much down for all the things I put down, except he's not okay with the picnic. And I was -- I just thought that was the, the oddest thing. You know, I was like, "Well, we all have to eat, and this is just an -- indicating us to eat, like, more on the go or like, in a park instead of just inside." I just thought it was so bizarre that like of all the -- like, nothing else on the itinerary did he veto except the picnic. He was just like, "Oh, I just don't do that. I don't do picnics. Not really into that." And I was -- I, I don't know, it's still to this day, I'm just -- so odd. Like, I don't know. I don't -- I can't, I can't wrap my head around it. Who just doesn't do picnics? Like, what? What? You know? I don't know. I don't know. I have so many questions that I need to ask him, like, that I’ll never be able to ask. Like, why? Like, what expectations do you, do you place on a picnic? What aspect of it was so unpleasant that it was vetoed from our itinerary for a trip that never happened? I mean, that was really the um -- wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back, but it -- when it, when it’s troublesome to plan a trip with somebody, you know, it was not... It's not good. It's not good, you know. So, this -- and unfortunately, this planning back and forth never resulted into actual doing of the trip, so.

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“I was so upset when I found out that he, like, cut these jeans into shorts.”

Note: There is language that is excluded in the transcript but not excluded in the audio. I remember when I was like in second grade, I thought it would be so smart if I like -- first of all, like, cut my jeans into like, jorts, but then cut out the knee section so I had, like, the jorts part and then I just had like, the bottom half. So like there's a whole section, like, missing. And then I would, like, tie the top and bottom halves together with like this fuzzy string and have, like, the hem part of the bottom of the jeans, like, hanging to the top part like some sort of trashy chandelier-type pants.  I got like, halfway done, like, through making my creation and my dad, being a dad, just thought it was, like, trash and he threw it away and I was so upset. But -- and then of course my dad being the perpetrator, and this is so funny because I remember one day after a soccer game in second grade, I -- I played in jeans. It was the first time I ever played, like, a sport, so I was like, "I don't know what to wear," so I completely played soccer in jeans. But then again, like, I was also playing in, like, fall, so it was cold.  But like, obviously my knee had, like, holes in them. So my dad was like, "Oh, I'm gonna be proactive and just, like, cut off the pant legs of these, uh, jeans and my daughter will have jorts." Because like, he wears jorts all the time. My dad does not give a f***. He -- he does his own thing. He just lives life how he wants to. So, props to [name]. Um, but I was so upset when I found out that he, like, cut these jeans into shorts, I literally had like a meltdown. A tantrum. I was crying, like, in my room over this pair of pants. And it's like, and I could only wear them, like, at home, too, because I was not -- you weren't allowed to wear holey pants, like holey jeans or just clothes with holes in them at my school. So, like, I could literally only wear them at home or, like, uh, playing soccer.

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“This was like my dream every day while being pregnant.”

This week, I- I'm grateful for a lot. It's been a really rough road since my daughter was born. On Valentine's Day of all days, cutest day of the year, but it- it's been rough.  I would have never thought that it could be so hard for some babies to learn how to eat. And I never thought that the body wouldn't just produce, like, these copious amounts of milk. And it's a supply and demand and all these hormones at play.  It's such a complex system. It is like -- thinking about my baby and how much trouble she's had, like, latching on for breastfeeding and eating, it got me starting to think about how, like, even 50, 100 years ago, maybe more, I'm not sure if there were bottles for babies to drink out of and what they did is... The amount of professional intervention that's been required to be able to get my baby to be able to breastfeed -- and of course, now, we've got bottles and formulas, but thinking about how much was required now to even get us to be able to do it for most of the day, not even all the day. And what if this happened 100 years ago? Would that baby just starve? Like, what would happen?  So, I'm really grateful for all of these experts, all of the knowledge that we have now. Grateful that I'm not a medieval peasant seeing my baby kinda waste away. I'm -- climate change, whatever, all that stuff going on now, but I'm seeing my baby still be able to grow. Become nourished. I'm getting help from experts. We're growing together. We're learning together. It was like a really big development today, too. One of our cats, um, avoids her completely. The other cat, he's okay being around her. He doesn't dislike her. But he just kinda, kinda observes at a distance, not really a big deal. I was, and I actually am still, laying on the couch with baby on my lap. Like, she's just laying down, sleeping on me. And the cat, he came up and he just jumped up right next to me and curled up right next to me and started snoozing. And he's still curled up next to me almost two hours later. I can't believe this.  This was like my dream every day while being pregnant. I…

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