“So he cropped my head onto Paula Nakayama’s body…as if I was one of the Supreme Court Justices.”

When I got admitted to law school, my husband wrote one of those fake news articles announcing that I had been appointed to the Supreme Court. Just a comedy kind of thing to congrat-, you know, congratulate your girlfriend on getting admitted to law school. Uh, this is before we were married. I have a copy of it somewhere but that was, like -- what was that? Close to 40 years ago so I have no idea where it is right now. But I would love to find it and it was, it was a really nice one. When I graduated from law school, he did one of those -- this was the days before Photoshop. There happened to be a female Justice on the Hawai'i State Supreme Court, so -- and her name was Paula Nakayama. So he cropped -- he's a reporter, he's a -- they have to do photography and reporting back in those days. So he cropped my head onto Paula Nakayama's body in the photo of the five Supreme Court Justices of the Hawai'i State Supreme Court and as if I was one of the Supreme Court Justices. So that was his graduation present to me when I graduated from law school. So th- that's a nice -- it was a nice, really nice present.

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“Somehow, I think I did not choose the correct things, because it was too spicy for me.”

We said okay, let's go to the restaurant. We went there and then you, you will not believe that how crowded that was with lots of Indian young people. Like those who are here. So, we were waiting and waiting and we do not know if we will get space to -- if we will get placed to sit or not. But by God's grace, we got the place and that place was kind of dirty. So then I said "No." And then I asked -- we got some Kleenex and started cleaning and then after that we sat and we ordered. And then, then the, the girl, she ordered chicken biryani, my husband ordered mutton biryani, and I was just -- I just sticked with the veggies and then -- and chicken, I think it was tandoori chicken. So, but I thought okay, it will be very good for, for me to eat just veggies because I am on Optavia diet, so wanted to be very strict with that. So, somehow, I think I did not choose the correct things, because it was too spicy for me. And chicken also was too spicy, even though it was tasty, but I know that after eating that it will bother me. So -- and I don't wanted to say no because then my husband will feel bad. Then I, somehow, I managed to eat the chicken and then the cauliflower coated with the -- I do not know it was, kind of like a, uh, fried cauliflower. So, but, somehow, then also I ate, and I did not say any single thing, because it was tasty also. And then I know that next day it would bother me, or the same night. Then when I came home, oh my goodness, my stomach started hurting a lot. And I did not know what to do and all. I put peppermint oil on my stomach and then even my throat was itching. And even I took one acid tablet, but then also it was, like, bothering me like anything. And I know that's the effect of only chili because chili is kind of very, very bad for me. I cannot handle any kind of, like -- not even black pepper also. That bothers my stomach a lot. And then I did not have enough of vegetable, I think that also was the reason…

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“I always thought if I could see them in Michigan, they’d be like the, you know, the Michigan version. The off-brand, lower Peninsula version of Northern Lights.”

I have to imagine however many diaries are recorded, um, 80% of them have to probably mention the Northern Lights. What a great phenomenon. I know people were mocking how many pictures of the Northern Lights people were just pasting all over their social media, but what an amazing thing to post on social media, right? 'Kay, so here's my personal one. So, my girlfriend is really in touch with weather-related matters. You know, like her, her favorite follow on social media is the former meteorologist for her local station, who left his position and went independent, and now she follows him closely. So she had a beat on this whole Northern Lights phenomenon. So what we did on Friday is we drove down to the beach, got as far away from the beach house as we could along the lonely shores of Lake Michigan at around 10 P.M. And, initially, we looked and were like, "Are we seeing anything up there? I can't really tell." And then the lights began dancing, and it's like "We are. This is it. It's happening." And it was amazing, it was beautiful, it was something we never thought we would be able to see here, especially the way we did. It was, it was a moment that you knew you were living. You know, we went to Iceland and we didn't see the Northern Lights. Granted, it's because we went to Iceland in the summertime when the sun is up for 22 out of 24 hours a day, but the feeling was always, we probably need to go to the Arctic Circle to really get a good -- and just pray that we, that we were treated to the Northern Lights at some point. And instead, it came to us randomly, out of nowhere, on account of this solar storm. And we could actually see them! It was not -- I always thought if I could see them in Michigan, they'd be like the, you know, the Michigan version. The off-brand, lower Peninsula version of Northern Lights. But, um, it was glorious. It was spectacular! And now, the one thing I'll say, and this is a -- and this is a good thing. They were not as spectacular as most photos would lead you to believe, if you're someone who missed them. Which is not to say they weren't spectacular, just not as spectacular. Because I remember -- I…

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