“And then my lips started swelling up…”

My family went to Chicago this past weekend to celebrate the Fourth of July and it was really nice ’cause my cousins live there and stuff so we don’t really get to see them that much ’cause it’s a couple hour drive. And they have this super cool rooftop. It’s really nice ’cause my aunt is a e- — she’s an engineer and my uncle’s a lawy- lawyer. So they, they have a decent amount of money and they could get a nice place. So we were sitting on their super nice rooftop and I’ve never seen like the Fourth of July in a city ’cause I live in a suburb. But it was so cool because there were fireworks like all around the entire rooftop. Like the entire skyline was filled with fireworks, and it was just — it was such a beautiful thing to witness. And I’m really glad I got to spend that day my cousins.

But there was a little bit of an interesting mishap that happened while we were watching that fireworks show. I was eating some popcorn and it was just normal popcorn with like cheese and truffle sauce on it. And then my lips started swelling up and I’m like, “Oh my gosh. I’m having an allergic reaction.” So I took some Benadryl and it was fine. I was a little bit loopy after but you know. It all worked out.

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