“I finished a music composition just with digital, like, instruments.”

I finished a music composition just with digital, like, instruments for a project I’m doing for s- — I guess I can say I’m doing it for school. It’s a graduation requirement for our school. So I — well, my group at least for this project — I’m also doing another CAAS project with another group, but for this project, this CAAS project — Or CAAS means creativity, art, activity and service, and it’s part of the IB program. So for this CAAS project, my group wanted to make a Webtoon.

So there’s some people in charge of drawing and storyboarding. I’m kind of helping with the storyboarding, but I’m also making mu- some music on the side for background music. So I finished the composition background music for the prologue. We’re probably just gonna have the Webtoon run for a couple of episodes, not too many, and then, yeah. I finished that on Thursday.

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