“So I was just grabbing fistfuls of cherry and eating it.”

Oh, yeah today I went to a church event with one of my friends, family friends, kind of. And there's a pie eating contest at the end. The pie was like a whole pie and not just a pie slice. It was it was interesting because we just finished dinner a while back and there was this one guy who had a can of whipped cream. He was just spraying it over everyone. I got a little bit on my hair, but I washed off later. And I was just grabbing fistfuls of cherry. It was cherry pie. So I was just grabbing fistfuls of cherry and eating it. I got quite a bit down, but I was pretty full at the point. I still ate quite a bit, but it was a lot of sugar. And that one guy who was spraying everyone with whipped cream, he got pied in the face by another contestant as revenge, so that was funny. And there was, there was one guy who just sat there and was like, "I can't do this," and just ate one piece from the top and just stopped. That was funny too. And there was a lot of things funny about that contest. Apparently, everyone like left to wash up and stuff, but my little brother was the only one left, even though he didn't eat that much, so he just got the -- he technically was the winner because everyone left. But he ate a lot of dinner, so he actually didn't eat too much of the pie.

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“We’re trying to catch up to our ferry ’cause we’re gonna be stuck on the island.”

Note: There is language that is excluded in the transcript but not excluded in the audio. So second day into this d*** trip and we're biking on Rottnest, which is like basically like Mackinac where the only thing that's on the island is like bikes. Like there's no cars. And so we're biking and we're trying to catch up to our ferry 'cause we're gonna be stuck on the island. And we're going super fast and I kinda like blank out and I fall. And the rest of it's a blur but I remember the ambulance taking far too long to get there because there was a mistake with my aunt calling and everything, 'cause some reason her phone routed somewhere else than it was. It was really weird, but it took forever to get there and I'm just laying there on the road bleeding. There was a little pool of blood. It was really bad. I'm like singing to myself too 'cause I'm trying to like distract myself from the pain. I sang Moana. I remember this so specifically. I sang like How Far I'll Go by Moana. Um, which really interesting song of choice, but I don't know, thought it was fitting 'cause I was surrounded by an ocean. And then we went to the clinic. I got drugged up pretty heavily. Then we got -- we went to the hospital. We went to children's hospital but apparently -- no, no, no, no, no, we went to the adult hospital and then they said I was not allowed to be here and I had to go to the children's hospital. So I guess I got admitted twice.

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“And I tripped on the rocks and had a big like bloody knee.”

Note: This is a good story, which is why we decided to feature it even though there are some issues with the audio quality. Tell us about a time you fell down, and you got right back up. Okay, so, for this event, I'm not sure if I necessarily got right back up. But -- so I was doing a triathlon with [sister's name], mom, and dad. So my mom and dad were doing the biking portion. [Sister's name] -- it mighta been [sister's name] and my mom or just [sister's name] -- were doing the swimming portion. And then me, my dad, and [sister's name] were doing the running portion. And it's like two miles to a 5K. And so I was running like on rocks. I don't know why we were running on rocks, but I just know that I was. And I tripped on the rocks and I had a big like bloody knee. And I decide, you know, I'm going to keep running/walking. Well actually I got a few -- 'cause I was like I'm not gonna get a bandaid until I get back. So I run/walk. We might've cut a few corners 'cause I was running with my dad. But I didn't give up. 

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