“Do you have any Grey Poupon?”

This was in the early 90s when there was a commercial on TV that was this very snooty butler guy with a jar of Grey Poupon mustard on it, and it was always, “Do you have any Grey Poupon?” Well, we were in the bus, and [Name] was kinda getting himself into trouble. And finally, I looked at him and said, “You are getting yourself into trouble, and I’m not dealing with this. I’m tired, we’ve been at Cedar Point all day. I am tired and I’m not gonna fight with you and your behavior.” I said, “I’m coming back to sit with you.” And he kind of grumbled and grumbled, “All right, all right.” So I walked back to sit in the second to the back seat of the bus. He was sitting by the window, and I was sitting on the aisle. 

We were stuck in traffic trying to get out of the Cedar Point entrance and exit driveway things, several lanes of traffic. And below us, as we are sitting there, is a car with the window down, and [Name] is just looking out the window, and the guy says, “Hi, where are you from?” And he tells him, and the guy says, “What’s up?” And so, [Name] being extremely — thinking he was extremely witty says, “Have you got any Grey Poupon?” And the guy laughed, turned around to the back seat, and threw a jar of mustard, Grey Poupon. We about died. It was one of the funniest things that ever happened to anybody on a bus, it was just so funny. [Name] said, “What do I do with it?” I said to the guy — said, “Hey, we’re throwing your mustard back. We can’t have mustard on the bus,” and he laughed, and we threw it back to him. But it was one of the funniest things that has ever happened to us on a school bus. It was just hilarious, it made our, it made our trip and we all laughed about that for years. So that’s like my favorite, my favorite school bus story.

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