“She’ll be eating pinto beans by the time you get back.”

There’s a story about pinto beans and my Uncle [Name]. Uncle [Name] had a buddy. And the buddy wanted Uncle [Name] to take care of his little dog. It was like a little pomeranian, fluff ball kind of dog and the man came over to my Uncle [Name’s] house with his little puff dog. And he had brought some chicken for my Uncle [Name] to boil up and feed the dog, and he brought some special treats and, oh, just things that a pampered pet would get. And the man told Uncle [Name] he’s going to have to, you know, feed him the chicken because he won’t eat anything else, and Uncle [Name] says, “Well, why don’t you feed ‘em pinto beans? Like, most people down here feed their animals pinto beans — or, their dogs anyway.” And the guy said, “I tried getting her to eat pintos, but she won’t eat ‘em. She only eats boiled chicken.” And Uncle [Name] says, “I’ll tell you what. She’ll be eating pinto beans by the time you get back,” and the man laughed at my Uncle [Name] and said, “Yeah, I’ll believe that when I see it.”

Well, the man went off on his merry way. And three days later, he came back to pick up his little dog, and Uncle [Name] handed the man the chicken and all the treats and said, “We didn’t need ‘em.” And the man said, “You got the dog to eat pintos?” And Uncle [Name] was scooping out a pile of pintos for the dogs, and he says, “Well, come on, I’ll show you.” So he put the pot of pintos down in front of the dogs. And this little pomeranian, fluff ball devoured the pintos, devoured them. And the man was flabbergasted. “How in the world did you get my dog to eat pintos?” And Uncle [Name] looked at the man and said, “I aint fed ‘em since you left.”

There’s a lesson to be learned there. Never say never.

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