“She goes, ‘We’ve never seen this man before. We don’t know who he is. When all else fails, we try to run.’”

Also on this trip, we got to — we stayed in a hotel. And my daughter and I decided that we were kinda hungry and there was a Sonic Drive-In. And we had never been to one and it was in the parking lot just about from our hotel which was next to a Walmart and kind of a commercial area. So my daughter and I decided that we were gonna go down to the Sonic and they had some picnic tables outside and we were just gonna eat, get a snack. Well, my dad saw that we were gonna go and he wanted to come with us and I, “Okay.” So he and his wife, you know, got their stuff and came along with us no problem. 

We get down there and we realized that this is not a Sonic where you can go inside and order inside like you would in McDonald’s or any place else you had to order from the speakers outside and they had — even though they had this picnic area, they had speakers and one of those big boards and you ordered outside. So my daughter says, “Well, we’ll just order out here.” My dad says, “No I wanna order inside.” I said “Dad, you can’t. They don’t have — it’s not open to be inside. You can’t go in and sit down.” “Well, that’s what I wanna do.” I said, “You can’t do it. It’s not set up that way.”

So he goes to the door. The door is, is a solid door. It doesn’t have glass in it or anything else and it’s marked kitchen in large letters, “kitchen and loading zone”. It also has words underneath of it that said the “kitchen and loading zone” that says “this is not a customer door.” Okay. Should be obvious. My dad insists no. So he, he opens the door, the door was unlocked. He opened the doors and goes inside. My daughter looks at me and I look at her and she goes, “We’ve never seen this man before. We don’t know who he is. When all else fails, we try to run.” He comes right back out and he comes over. He grumpily says to us, “Why didn’t you tell us you couldn’t go?” I said, “We did tell you couldn’t go. Plus it says kitchen, customers — er, no customers allowed. It tells you this on the door dad.” Well, mah, mah, mah. So he did stay and order with us and then we had to eat with him and the whole time he went mah, mah, mah, mah, mah. And then we had to go home the following day with him in the car where he complained, didn’t think we knew where the gas was and everything else. Oh, what a horrible, what a horrible trip.

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