“And the lady’s eyes light up and she says, ‘Oh my gosh! I didn’t know that you played.’”

So we were — I was somewhere with my mom and sister, and my mom ran into someone that she knew from a long time ago but hadn’t seen in a while. And my mom had retired from teaching kindergarten. She probably knew her from school, probably at the time maybe six or seven years before we met this lady. And so the lady asked her, “Oh, you know, how are you enjoying retirement? You know, what do you, what do you do? Like, how do you, how do you spend your time?” And my mom goes, “I fiddle a lot.” And the lady’s eyes light up and she says, “Oh my gosh! I didn’t know that you played.”

And she starts talking about how somebody that she knows or maybe even herself plays the fiddle and how she just had no idea that my, my mom played the fiddle and wow, could they — you know, like, talking about where do you play? And should — can we get together? And this whole thing, and my mom’s standing there realizing that she’s completely misunderstood. My mom fiddles, like she — I dunno what the actual definition of fiddle is, but basically you, you aren’t doing anything important, you’re just fiddling around, you are — I, I should look up what the actual definition of the word fiddle is, but you’re, you’re just sort of using up your time in, in some sort of way that, that doesn’t really necessarily have any meaning or isn’t really doing anything.

So, my mom is standing there wondering as this, this woman continues to go on how she’s gonna tell this woman that she doesn’t actually play the fiddle, that she just fiddles around with things. So I, I don’t even — I think she did eventually have to tell her that she didn’t play because I think this woman really wanted to, to get her out playing, you know, somewhere. So, that — I — we still laugh at that story because my mom continues to say all the time, “I — man I can fiddle so well,” you know like, “Man, I spent the whole afternoon fiddling.” And yeah, not playing an instrument, though. That’s for sure.

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