“Everybody’s failing to remember what their lines are. It’s complete and total chaos.”

So we thought we had until Tuesday or tomorrow to finish this entire presentation, but come Thursday afternoon when I’m on a field trip to Stratford, Canada — by the way lovely trip — the Spanish teacher posts an announcement in the Canvas that says, “Record a video of your skit tomorrow during class. I won’t be there. We have substitute teachers.” So I get on a group chat and I text all my group members, “Hey, we need to finish this script. I’m on a field trip. I’ll work on it, but we all need to pitch in.” Half of them were not on this field trip, they were at home after school and none of them did anything. I ended up writing the entire rest of the script by myself minus four lines from that one kid. I told him to write his own recruitment to communists speech because there was no way that I was writing that. 

And I was just like, “What?” So we go into the presentation and I’m like, “Okay, everybody needs to have their lines memorized. We’re presenting.” Not only did they not have their lines memorized, they didn’t even read the script. So we’re filming it with a cheating teleprompter, which I think is totally wrong. And everybody’s failing to remember what their lines are. It’s complete and total chaos. And then people start reading the stage directions and I had to leave a little bit early to go to a choir thing to sing the national anthem for our spirit week. And we just turned in this horrendous video. So, of course, I’m gonna email the teacher and be like, “What the heck, can we please like have a chance to redo this ’cause my group members didn’t read the script. I wrote the entire thing.” And I can’t afford to let my grade be affected by the fact that nobody else learned their lines ’cause it’s a group presentation. So the Spanish teacher’s initial response was, “Oh, yeah, tell your group members that they can perform it live on Tuesday.” And I’m thinking, “What the heck, I don’t want these people going after me.” Like, of course, I’d rather have them go after me than me fail this project. But I said nicely in the original email, if she could please notify my group members about whatever decision she makes.

We’re at that point. And I’m getting to Anne Frank rehearsal, and I get an email from her. I cross my fingers and I’m like, “Please, please, please.” And you know what the email said? It was actually so funny. It’s like, “I watched your video and I can tell that you learned most of your lines. Can’t say the same for your group members. I would have you all redo the project, but I know that they wouldn’t learn their lines anyways. So you will get the grade you earned and their grades will be reflected.” And honestly that was kind of funny that she totally bashed the rest of my group. I don’t want the rest of them to fail but at this point I don’t really care. I just need my grade.

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