“I think Thanksgiving plans are very tentative.”

I think Thanksgiving plans are very tentative. I have my parents in their seventies who are hoping to drive up, they don’t want to fly, but and that’s the only people we’re gonna have, but we haven’t seen them since the kids started back in person school. So I’m really hoping to see them they live in Pennsylvania and I guess just depends plans all seemed so tentative but, we are really hoping to see them for Thanksgiving and we for the second year in a row are hoping to invite another family from our area who is also very careful and kind of a bubble except for school. We did this last year and it was just really fun. We decorated cookies and — hadn’t really — it was like a nice Thanksgiving tradition for the kids to do together, but we’re hoping to enjoy the time and my mom is a retired art teacher. So she said she even has an art project for the kids to do together a little Christmas preparation. So we’re really looking forward to Thanksgiving and hoping to gather together as normal.

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