“This is just a reminder that you don’t need as many things as you think you do.”

Dear diary, this is just a reminder that you don’t need as many things as you think you do. I’ve learned this from moving into a home, furnishing a whole home – almost, except for a couch – and then, four months, moving out. The amount of stuff – I thought I was good, I thought I was, like, more of a minimalist, but I’ve learned from repacking my stuff that I brought that I have more than I need. And so let this be a reminder that you actually don’t need as much as you think, and if you buy new, you’re never going to get back what you think, because selling a lot of my stuff on Facebook Marketplace has been really hard. So next time, go on Facebook Marketplace, and try to find stuff, instead of buying more of the new stuff, because you won’t get the money back if you sell it.

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