“It was really tough and I was really scared to go to school yesterday.”

I haven’t done one of these in a while, because I’ve been really busy. But today we have the day off off school because of that school shooting that happened at Oxford earlier this week, and I didn’t go to school yesterday, and they just told us to take the day off today. So I have free time and I decided to do this. So yeah, I’m grateful that I’m safe and all my loved ones are safe, and that everyone’s healthy and okay. I’m grateful that everyone I know and love is safe. If you could guess, something particularly difficult was the school shooting that happened. It was really tough and I was really scared to go to school yesterday, but I’m thankful my mom let me stay home and they just decided to cancel school once people got there. And it’s just really hard to feel safe somewhere that can be so unsafe so easily.

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