Well, it’s happened in the family now. First positives, interesting. Husband tested positive. Only went to get tested because I insisted cause he just had a cold and now it’s been a week, but the brother-in-law had to move in with us because he had been exposed. He works at a – he works remotely out of our basement cuz his father father’s house does not have internet. So, after five days, I went and got a PCR test and it came back negative. I have a suspicion that I’m exposed to it so often at work, being a teacher, that maybe, hopefully, I have even more immunity to it than some others. Yeah. I’m sure that I get exposed to one form or another one variant or another fairly regularly. So now we’ve got my brother-in-law sleeping in one of my sons bedrooms, my husband sleeping in the other son’s bedroom, and I have the master bedroom to myself, which is actually kind of nice. I don’t think I’ve slept this well in years. And I’ve been very careful to make sure that I am sleeping at least seven hours a night which is hard to do sometimes. Both of them seem to be able to continue working remotely for their jobs, so they did not have a bad case being that I’m sure it must be Omicron. So, but it’s very strange because I’m very careful not to go any place that I don’t absolutely have to, but of course, weirdly, you know, the legislature in Michigan, has put themselves on a recess because of the surge, but the schools are still in session. Last week, the teachers at our building it was about twenty-five percent of the teachers were absent, and the students, it was somewhere between 17 and 22% absences. So not quite enough to force the health department to shut us down, but approaching it. It’ll be interesting to see what the numbers are now. It’s a strange, strange world right now.