“So, one of us had to clean this up while the other person was watching six kids outside by themselves.”

So my sister and I would babysit together. There were these two little girls down the street and they were probably four and six. Yeah, I'll say four and six. So one time we went over to their house to babysit them, and their parents told them that they could invite friends over. So they invited literally every single kid that lived in this cul-de-sac over to their house, so we were watching like six kids at once. And one of the little girls needed to go inside and use the bathroom, so we took her inside. And they had a dog also, and the dog like didn't recognize her, so he was, like -- got really excited and hit the table and a vase fell down. It was glass but it didn't shatter, but sunflowers, like, spilt everywhere. So, one of us had to clean this up while the other person was watching six kids outside by themselves. It was kind of a bit of a mess, but it was -- it was okay in the end.

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“What kind of puzzle is a pepperoni?”

A time I felt playful... Hmm... Well, I guess we could go with Easter, where I brought games. And Anomia was the game we played where my friend, bless his heart, somehow managed to read "type of puzzle" as "type of pizza," and was very sure of his answer being pepperoni. And we're just sitting there looking at him going, "What?" He's like, "Yeah, pepperoni!" It was like, "What kind of puzzle is a pepperoni? I mean, I guess you have to arrange it on the pizza." But anyways, so my friend answers and she takes his card instead, and he's like, "Oh, puzzle!" He's like, "I thought it said pizza." And we're sitting there going, "How? How did -- that's not even the same number of letters. And also, when we pointed it out, you could have changed your answer to sudoku or crossword!"

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“He didn’t allow that to stop him from doing anything, sometimes to his detriment.”

My grandfather was born blind. He had a little bit of vision, but he was, he was legally blind. He liked to push the envelope a little bit. He didn't allow that to stop him from doing anything, sometimes to his detriment. You know, he -- as a young man, when he was in high school, he really really wanted to play basketball. I mean, my grandfather absolutely loved sports. Sports fanatic. And because he was legally blind, the school wouldn't allow him to even try out. And so he convinced the coach to at least unlock, you know, the gymnasium for him after school so he could, you know -- he could just th- you know, shoot hoops on his own. He wasn't gonna try out. Knowing that the coach was gonna see him play. And through that, my grandfather got on the, the basketball team and he was able to, to play like he wanted, knowing that he was gonna be able to do it, and I, I think that's really fantastic and also just kind of a theme in his life. When he was 17, I remember -- not I remember, but I remember the story -- he was on the ice with some friends on Rainbow Lake and he actually fell through the ice and broke his neck. And he was in the hospital and he was paralyzed from the neck down. And they didn't think that he was ever going to walk again or be able to do anything, and he actually ended up making a full recovery. I have the news clipping from, from the accident and the picture that they chose of him was a photograph from a basketball game, and just talked about everything that had happened and where he was in his recovery. It's kind of incredible that he was able to come back from that, especially back then.

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“I’m not happy in this relationship, but I felt like I couldn’t break up with him.”

"What's been particularly difficult this week?" Ever since I broke up with my last boyfriend in May last year -- so almost a year, I realized I had a really hard time being alone. That was one of the things it's like I was like, I'm not happy in this relationship, but I felt like I couldn't break up with him. Our friends were interconnected, it had been three years, and I realized I was like -- things were just headed south and at the time when I felt like we were rebuilding our relationship, he started talking marriage and I -- we had different timelines. Sometimes I wonder if he brought that up intentionally. I don't know. But all it took was one, one argument where he was like, "Oh some friends of mine just got engaged in Paris. Gives me some ideas." And I had said, "Well, sometimes you're not really that nice to me. I feel like we need to be working on that." And that exploded into an argument. He said some pretty cruel things and I was willing to try to work through it I guess, but I felt like I had told him this so many times. So then the next day, like, it was the weirdest feeling. I felt like my soul -- like a butterfly flapped its wings, or it should've and it didn't, and I ended things. He lives in Boston, so I didn't have the money to go and visit him for a weekend to break up. I knew that it wouldn't -- I couldn't do that in person. And maybe that's not fair to him. But I agreed to see him multiple times after he'd come to Michigan. And that just started feeling like bad ideas. They felt like dates like it, it was hard.

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