“What’s it called…? Oh, burning my fingers off.”

Oh, you know what else I did today? Today I started three -- four -- five fires today. I was very proud. We were doing chemistry and we needed to light a Bunsen burner, but I didn't realize the Bunsen burner I got sucked, like a lot. And so I kept on trying to, like, turn it on. So you would -- here's what a -- you would take the Bunsen burner and then there was like this little, uh, tube. You insert one end of the tube into the gas nozzle and then you light a match. It's important that you don't turn on the gas nozzle until you've lit your match. And so I lit my match and it was really easy. Like, when we had to do, like, our fire unit, like, at the beginning the school year, it was really hard to get the matches. Like it was crazy hard. I was like, "What?" It was so hard for me. And then a few -- like a month ago, I had to -- I decided to do a training course for Wilderness Survival club. And they trained me on how to start a fire with flint and steel and it was really hard and I even had lighter fluid and it was still really hard. So now just, like, lighting a match felt like the easiest thing in the world 'cause it did not take that much effort and it was great. And so we were -- you would get the match, and then you would, as soon as your match is on, you turn your Buns- -- you turn the gas nozzle and then you put the match over the Bunsen burner. And the gas will come out of the Bunsen burner and into the fire and it'll catch fire and it's great but ours didn't work. So I had -- I tried, like, three times to get the thing to light on fire but it didn't light on fire. And one time it was extremely close to, like, uh, what's it called...? Oh, burning my fingers off, which really sucked. But nothing happened, it was just really, really close, like, maybe a centimeter away from my fingers. And then our teacher noticed what was happening 'cause we called him over to ask him about it and he got us a new one because he…

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“I ended up emailing the designer to ask for clarification.”

I was working on a new knitting pattern and it said that it was for an advanced knitter, which I probably qualify as in certain circumstances. So I bought the pattern and I started it and I was reading the instructions word for word and it was -- on paper, made sense to me, but every single time I tried to knit it, it wouldn't work. And I don't really exactly know how to explain the problem -- if you're not a knitter it'd probably be really tedious. But I went to -- there's a website called Ravelry and it's where people post photos of their finished items and they'll comment sometimes on specific patterns. So there were a lot of people that said like, "I also got caught up on the first step. But then, once I figured it out, it went really smoothly!" And it was kind of annoying 'cause it was like, "Well, what did you figure out? Like, what am I missing?" And so I think a couple people in there said something that kind of helped me, but I still was lost. So, I ended up emailing the designer to ask for clarification and they got back to me super quickly and clarified it. And I tried it and it made perfect sense. It worked out just fine, but I was so frustrated. I think I knit it, like, four or five times and then had to rip it out. And the type of yarn I was using -- like, some yarn you can knit and knit and knit and knit over and over and, like, rip it out and knit it again and it's fine, it doesn't look any worse for the wear. But this specific kind I was knitting with is mohair. It's like super airy and not really something that you should be knitting over and over and over and over again. And so I was getting really frustrated that I was gonna mess up, you know, a big portion of my yarn, too. So, anyway, that is my story.

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“There was lots and lots of comments from people about how I had my own private nurse.”

I had been in an accident and I was on crutches and I went strawberry picking with my mother. And early in the morning -- she had just gotten home from working in the emergency room. She was an RN, and she had just got home from working at the emergency room in Eaton Rapids and she still had on her white nurse's uniform and she just stopped at the house and picked me up and we went strawberry picking. So, here is a girl on crutches with a nurse picking strawberries and there was lots and lots of comments from people about how I had my own private nurse and it was just a funny event.

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“My sister’s boyfriend’ll be like, ‘We know who the real third wheel is.'”

My sister's boyfriend has a little brother. And he is best friends with my boyfriend. And their friendship is a little bit more than friendly a lot a bit of the time. Like, there's jokes that everyone thinks that they're dating, and it's kind of a wreck and it makes me feel really awkward. So over the past couple days -- my boyfriend completely lives here again -- I saw a heart get added onto this other kid's contact. And we were like at a thing together and he was texting him. He keeps bringing him up. And my boyfriend also stopped getting, like, defensive when people made jokes about them dating around me. Like he's just totally cool with it now, and like my sister's boyfriend'll be like, "We know who the real third wheel is." And, um, my boyfriend doesn't deny it. He just lets me go on feeling like I'm a third wheel, which is so uncool. Like, what the heck! So now I'm like, "I don't know what to do."

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