“What do you think the difference is between sneakers and tennis shoes?”

What do you think the difference is between sneakers and tennis shoes? I think the difference would be, one of them is more for running or playing tennis which is tennis shoes, running shoes, whatever you call them. Sneakers are kind of just for fun. There's someone in my class that has, during cross-country season, he would wear like two different ones to school and I'm pretty sure that he'd probably -- that he wore during the school day or like and during cross-country. So the ones that he wore to school he'd probably classify as sneakers. The ones that he wore at cross-country practice, he'd probably classify as tennis shoes or running shoes or if there's a different name people call them. That's just my opinion on the difference between sneakers and tennis shoes. When I think of sneakers, I think of some comfy shoes that I can just where all day long, versus some hardcore running shoes that are more made for you to run in and be active in. But I think you could do the same with sneakers, you could probably run in sneakers and it's fine if you wear running shoes to school. So, I don't really think -- it's that important of a difference but someone might think it's important and that's kind of what I'm thinking.

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“The government is there to take care of the basic things.”

Today I will be interviewing my brother, who is nineteen years old and will be voting for the first time in a presidential election. So, what does voting mean to you, through your perspective? Well, I've always viewed voting as a method for a normal person to have a say in their democracy. Growing up in elementary school, we learned about different types of government, like democracy. And I always figured that self-government would probably be the best. But then I learned about something called a Democratic Republic, which is you kind of vote for people who do, you know, the voting for you. Right? So you still have a say and it's still technically like a democracy and I feel like it's really just a good way for any person to have their voice heard, so they can, you know, they can have somebody speak for them as well. How do you feel? I agree. I think voting is one way a person can get a say in their government and it really helps us as a country to know what our people want. Yeah of course. The whole point of government is to help with the needs of the people, you know, do what the people want it to do. And I think yeah, voting, like it just tells the government. What do the people want? How do we make them happy? Well, I agree with that but also it's a little bit more. The government isn't there to keep people happy, in my opinion. You know, I feel like the government is there to take care of, you know, the basic things the common defense, you know, building roads, building parks. Yeah, that's what I mean by happy like providing for those basic things and doing a good job in that.

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“So, we are working towards diversification of faculty…”

What do you think would be some good ways to show education -- show better education for students? One of the things that I think is critical and that I'm working on, which will, which has an indirect impact on education is trying to increase the diversity in our faculty. As you know that we can clearly identify with people who look like us or who dress like us. So, we are working towards diversification of faculty, where we want to bring in more underrepresented faculty members on board. So that our students, the cohort of students that we have in college today can relate to them and know that what they are dreaming for will actually be true someday if they keep working hard.

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“I can certainly understand how the social isolation that so many of us have experienced…”

An article in last Sunday's New York Times, on the year of the blur, talks about how social isolation has compromised our emotional condition and our sense of time. The author of this editorial in the New York Times, his name is Alex Williams, argues that we need social interaction in order to do two things. First of all, social interactions give us typical markers that help us define important events that set up milestones in our lives. And secondly, social interaction helps us to maintain a sense of ourselves. As a sociologist, I could not agree more with Alex William's editorial. There was a famous sociology theorist by the name of George Horton Cooley who developed the concept of the looking-glass self and this concept has been very important in a subfield of sociology called social psychology. The notion of the looking-glass self is that we look at other people, we interact with other people and we come to understand how they view us. In other words, other people in our lives are like looking glasses -- looking mirrors -- looking glasses and we see ourselves as they see us. And we incorporate our understandings of what other people tell us about ourselves, into our own self-identity. I can certainly understand how the social isolation that so many of us have experienced over a long time since the global pandemic was declared in mid-march can affect our sense of self.

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“This has been such a big deal and the longing for connection with people…”

I want to talk today about unexpected tears. So this virus has brought my emotions, more to the surface, I guess you'd call it. And I wanna talk about two times that I’ve had unexpected tears. The first time was last week Saturday, Halloween. My husband and I in fear of the virus, had sheltered ourselves inside our darkened house, with the doors locked, window shades pulled. We were not gonna hand out candy. Now this is kind of a big deal. We are both teachers, well, retired teachers now. My husband especially has been known for handing out big candy bars to his students, former students. Halloween's a big time. But this year, we're going to hide in our darkened house, not celebrate. So we sat there in the darkened house and around 6:45 the doorbell rings. Don't answer it. It rings again. Don't answer it, don't answer it. Stops ringing, we peek out the window and walking away is one of his former students. I felt so badly. Then about a half an hour later. Same thing. Doorbell goes. Ignore it, ignore it, doorbell goes again. Finally I can't stand it, I put a mask on, I go to the door and there's about ten kids all unmasked with a chaperone, no mask, saying "it's Mr.****[my husband]**** here?" "Sure. I'll go get him." So I get my husband. He puts a mask on. Fortunately, I bought a bag of snack size M&Ms, for our granddaughter, and also thinking this kind of thing might happen, I'd better be prepared. So we did have something to give those ten kids sitting there. But as he’s interacting with them from a distance handing out the little packs with his mask on. I just kind of dissolved into tears thinking, what a loss. This has been such a big deal and the longing for connection with people, and the wanting to be a good neighbor and enjoy this party time, just couldn't do it. Felt so bad.

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