“To this day I cannot comprehend what was going on in that man’s mind when he decided to kill a bunch of people my age in my community.”
Note: There is language that is excluded in the transcript but not excluded in the audio. Finding out a classmate died is a jarring experience to say the least, and I cannot say – like, it's thrown me for a bit of a loop. I can't say I'm in like a state of grief, exactly. Like, he seemed like a nice guy, but again, I exchanged maybe five sentences with him over the past three years, like I don't – I don't know. Over the past three or four years. Like, I don't – Like, I – it's, it's horrible. It's sad and I'm – I feel sad. I feel like – shocked, I feel whatever, but, you know, like, it, it doesn't – like I mean, it's not like this is gonna – you know. Again, it's not like this is gonna send me into a state of despair. At least not this particular death, I guess. There are certain aspects of the death that are freaking me the f*** out, but – and again, like, I don't mean to sound insensitive. I don't mean to sound – like I hope I don't – I don't mean to sound – like I – it's horrible. It is horrible, but like, you know, I cannot say that like I am gonna be the one – I guess, like, that's, that's the thing. Like, I am not going to be the one most deeply impacted by this. You know? This is not the death of a friend or a loved one. This is the death of a guy whose face I recognize, which, you know, is still horrifying and sad and – I – you know. But, you know, like, again. There are a few things, I guess, like, my thoughts. Like how this is connected to my own – and I feel like, I feel like it's almost narcissistic to try to, you know, connect this to my own existential dread at this point. But this is what I'm thinking about. This is what it's caused. This is sending me into a little bit of a spiral at the moment. Um, if you can't tell by the kind of incoherent rambling, but, um, you know, like, on the one hand – Like, on the – one part of it is, is more or less some of the same stuff that…