“It was like the second most venomous snake in Australia.”

When I was in Australia one time -- ugh, this was such a bad trip. Actually, I was in Australia twice. Um, the first trip was when I was younger. Might have been the first time I ever celebrated Christmas 'cause we didn't really celebrate Christmas until my sister came in. So, I missed like seven years of Christmas, which I don't really, like, care about. I did miss seven years of gifts. But, that's not the point. And yeah, so I remember -- I don't remember much about that trip in Australia, but when I was older, I had like, a whole biking accident and whatnot, and we [were] walking. And Australia is like, known for, for their stupid venomous like, spiders and snakes and stuff. And we were just walking, having a good time, and I, like, didn't notice -- like, the path was, like, dirt. So like, if you have a brown snake -- I, I don't remember what color it was, but I do remember not being able to see it. I don't remember if it was 'cause I just wasn't looking, which is probably the case, or if it blended in. Regardless, I almost stepped on a snake and I like just caught myself. And I was walking ahead, so it was not like anyone could warn me or anything. Um, or anyone who's like, logically looking at the ground. And I almost stepped on it, and I saw it walk away, and it had this like, distinct pattern. And I remember I googled it, it was like the second most venomous snake in Australia. And after that, I ran to the end of the path and I wanted to go home. ‘Cause it was so, like, crazy that it just crossed my path and if I did one wrong thing, I would have been bit by a snake. So that's -- that was kind of jarring.

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“What are they gonna do, put a rock in jail?”

Here's the thing. I would actually love to be a bear. If I believed in reincarnation, I would definitely be a bear. That would be great. That's like, number two on my "If Reincarnation Existed" list. Number one would probably be a rock, 'cause like -- this is kind of off topic -- but like, as a human, I can't break the law. Or I can't break like, crazy laws. Like, if I jaywalk they're not gonna like put me in handcuffs and they're not gonna be like, "Oh, you're a disgrace to society," but like, every person has a rebellious phase. And you know, I kind of -- I kind of want to be -- want to be rebellious. But I can't do it as a human because I would get in trouble. But if I were a rock… Imagine, little children. They're trying to break the windows of some creepy old neighbor. They use me, the rock, to break into that window. And there you got it. I broke the law without breaking the law. What are they gonna do, put a rock in jail? No, of course not! And so that sounds pretty great. And like, what would I even do? I'd just exist, honestly. What's the worst thing that could happen to a rock? Like, the worst thing I can think about is maybe if there's magma or lava or something like that. But chances are, hopefully, I don't get reincarnated as a rock in some place that has, like, crazy amounts of lava or something. And like, if I was reincarnated into a rock that went to the middle of the ocean? I'd be pretty chill with that. I think that'd be pretty awesome as long as it wasn't like, deep dark, dark ocean, 'cause then I can't see anything and it'd be kind of boring.

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“Everyone just moved in, and I’d hear screaming, bloodcurdling screaming.”

Note: There is language that is excluded in the transcript but not excluded in the audio. Haha, have I ever seen a snake? When I was a hall director at my current institution, I was out in the one community that's on the north side of campus. Everything else is south. And so it's a wetland preserve, and it has large snake nests along the perimeters and they've done a lot to smoke them out, but they're there. And we would always tell our students, especially our international students who had a tendency to want to live in these communities -- 'cause there's a lot of cheap housing over there -- we would tell them, "Don't leave your doors open. Don't leave your doors open. If you leave your door open, there's a good chance you will have a snake come in." And it happened more often than I could count. It'd be summer. Beautiful day. Everyone just moved in, and I'd hear screaming, bloodcurdling screaming. So we'd run over, sure as s***, it's a garden snake. Like, not the venomous one, but it was a garden snake. I'm not afraid of 'em. So we would just take a broom, we'd brush them out. And my one RA, he was from, oh shoot, Almeda? He was not afraid. He would just pick it up by the back of its tail and fling it into the woods before it could bite him. So we would -- we would do that quite a bit. He was a good teammate.

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“My Pyrex is worth something?”

Something that I -- that you're surprised at that is old and now is new again is Pyrex. And I know this is probably the least thing you expect to hear about, but in the last couple of weeks, I have heard more about Pyrex being valuable, and it cracks me up because I have a lot of Pyrex. I have Pyrex that I got as a wedding present in 1976, and Pyrex that my mother got as a wedding present in 1952, and Pyrex that belonged to my grandma and other things like that. It's really humorous. I have this gold -- butterfly, gold bowl from the 1970s. It's my big mixing bowl. I use it all the time. When I found out that it was worth $79.95 from Replacements.com as a replacement bowl, mine was in the dishwasher. That's, you know, kind of the thing. And my son's girlfriend came over and she saw my Pyrex ‘cause I was using it to make dinner, and she said, "Don't get rid of the Pyrex. If you ever decide you don't want it, call me." And I thought, "My Pyrex is worth something?" So when I had dinner with my friend last night, both of us, of course, were married in the seventies, she said to me, "Did you know that Pyrex is having a moment?" And I went, "Yes, I heard this." And she said, "Well, I have these Pyrex bowls and somebody told me that one of 'em is worth 79 dollars," and I started laughing and I said, "I don't know if that's really true or not, but it's very interesting to find out."So we're, we're kind of doing -- see what we can find out about Pyrex, which is really quite humorous because it's Pyrex, come on, we've used it for years. We've cooked with it. We've done everything under the shining sun with it. So I just think it's kind of funny. The set that they talk about, the mixing bowl, is 79 dollars. I got the whole set for $19.95 in 1976.

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