“And I looked at her and I called her by her first name”

At parent teacher conferences one year, there was a woman sitting, waiting for me. And she came in and she started to really kinda get on my case about her daughter not doing very well. Her daughter was in my first hour class. And she never got to school. We started school at 7:50, and she never got to school till after 8:30 so that she missed most of my class almost every day. And the woman was just really kind of getting on my case. And I realized after not too much more that I had had her as a student as well many many years ago. And she got really fired up and finally she says, "I don't know when in the world they changed school to starting at 7:50 anyway." And I looked at her and I called her by her first name which right now, I cannot remember, but I said, "You know, school started at 7:50 when I had you. So obviously it was before 1975." Her mother looked at me. She went, "Oh. School started at 7:50 then?” I went, "Uh-huh."  Our principal came up behind her and he said, "I think you owe this lady an apology. You don't bring your daughter to school on time. We can't solve that problem until you do." I wanted to kiss him.  But it was pretty funny because it came around and it bit her in the butt. She didn't think too much of it, and it, it did, it came and bit her back in the butt. I looked it up later. We had changed school to starting at 7:50 in about 1971.

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“You have to have three hugs a day to get by in life”

My cousin gives the best hugs. I call her sis. And I love hugs. I was -- we grew up in a hugging family. You didn't leave without a hug and a goodbye. My mom gave great hugs too. I miss her hugs. I have a girlfriend. I was just over her house on Saturday and she was having a yard sale. And she walked me out to my car and she's like, "You know me and my hugs! I gotta get my hug!" And I gave her a hug. That was nice. Hugs are wonderful. My mom used to say you have to have three hugs a day to get by in life. I get them now from my husband.

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“Bees were swarming everywhere and a bunch of people got stung”
DCF 1.0

“Bees were swarming everywhere and a bunch of people got stung”

I think the worst part of camp was the food, but also, uh, some kid threw a rock at a beehive so for the rest of the days -- and it was like right when we got there. So for the rest of the time we were there, bees were swarming everywhere and a bunch of people got stung. Someone got stung in the hand and he was allergic to them, which, um, he didn't know. But it wasn't like bad, he just swelled up a lot. Like his whole hand was giant, even though he only got stung on his finger. And then someone got stung on the butt, and in the head, in the cheek, and in the armpit, which I feel like that would be the worst place to get stung. Someone got stung in the thigh, and a bunch of other people got stung a lot of different places. Yeah.

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“He said he’d rather be at school for two days than go to camp”

And then the last thing I'm going to talk about is actually, um, one of my friends. Um, he hates waking up early, like he hates it, and, um, he, he's -- he was all negative about camp and he didn't wanna -- he didn't think it was gonna be fun and stuff. He said that he'd rather be at school for two days than go to camp, which is the dumbest thing ever. He said that camp was like a little bit above mid, like it was just a little bit better, and that school is just about mid. So I asked him, you know, "If, if camp is a little bit better than mid, and school is just mid, then how is, how is school better than camp?" And then he said -- yeah, so, um, yeah, so then I -- and then he said, "Yeah, so I would rather do the mid experience for about, um, seven hours for two days than have to go to camp 32 hours and have it a little bit above mid.” Which was just ridiculous that he even thought the camp was only a little bit above mid.

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“If you had the bunny, you had to share a secret”

So we played this like Truth Bunny while getting ready for bed. So basically, last year at sixth grade camp, we -- my friend has this bunny and we started playing this game called the Truth Bunny. So we would all get in our bunks and pass the bunny around, and if you had the bunny, you had to share a secret or like a truth, so. And so it was really fun like we would share -- in the girls cabin, we would like share our crushes or like who we think is weird or like stuff like that. Even like really stupid stuff, like "I don't like grapes." Some people like shared stuff like that, which it was really annoying because that's not a big secret, but it is what it is, I guess. So basically, we did that again. And so we had like maybe like six people go and like share stuff about like our crushes, or like -- yeah, that's basically all we talked about. Just love life.

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“We could see the stage perfectly”

I went to a Lauren Daigle concert and that was really, really, really, really, really, really fun. I went with my mom, my sister, my aunt, and my grandma. And my grandma -- my aunt got my grandma tickets for Lauren Daigle for, like, Mother's Day, but she said that she wanted me and my mom, my sister to come so we did. So then after my grandma picked me up from camp, I went to my aunt's house for pizza. And then -- it was really good pizza. It was like from a local place. And then, uh, then we got all ready, and I loved the dress that I wore, and my aunt wore a dress and so did my mom, and then my grandma wore, like, jeans and a top, and my sister did the same. Then after that, we drove to Lauren Daigle -- and Lauren Daigle released a new album, so she sang all that. And then she like, um, sang all her old songs. So like she sung “Hold on to Me” and “Look Up Child”, like all that, and then for the last act – it was “You Say”. And our seats were so good. Um, we weren't like in the front front but we weren't like in the back. So we were like right in the middle and right in the middle of middle because we could see the stage perfectly. And then for the You Say act, she went off the stage and she went right next to us, so we could like just walk down and like touch her hands or something. Um, anyways, so it was really, really, really, really, really good. And then once we got back we were super duper tired. And then, um, we slept in and then my brothers and sisters went to school. And since I skipped the second day of camp, I got to just sleep in.

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