“It was 3 am and we went to Baskin-Robbins.”

Well, one time I had a sleepover with my friend [Name], and [Name] and I like to stay up playing video games until like 2 am. So we were staying up playing video games and her older sister who could drive -- this was like when I was way younger -- drove over and was like, "Hey guys, wanna go get ice cream?" And it was 3 am and we went to Baskin-Robbins and I ordered Daiquiri Ice flavored ice cream, which is like really weird for a 10 year old, but I remember it was like minty green and it tasted like ocean is what -- how I described it in my brain. But that was a really fun sleepover, and then we slept in until 10.

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“I found this secret way, sort of, that led into like a huge real maze.”

So we were at, like, a U-Haul place. Um, if you don't know that is, like where we went there was, like, this little garage with tons of moving stuff in it and, like, those are basically, like, just tons of these little tiny garages of moving stuff. And then we ju- -- we found ou- -- we wanted to go explore. We found out it's a little loop and we thought it was fun since it was like a maze. And then I found a separate way. And then like the lights got darker. And we got further away from the people there, since we were just there with his parents and some people they were helping move, um, like move into a new house. Um, and it had this oppos- -- I found this secret way, sort of, that led into like a huge real maze. So my friend asked his mom if she would come with us and it was kind of scary since the floor was different, the lights were dimmer, and we couldn't hear the voices as much so it was really scary. But with his mom, it wasn't. And then he kept telling me that he wanted to go there just by himself. I'm like, "Uh, no thanks." And he kept asking, so I finally said yes. So we went and we were walking. And then -- and we were both pretty scared looking behind us to see if we would get, like, attacked or something. And the- -- well, no, not really, but we saw a light turn off. And at that moment, it was really scary for us since we ke- -- we ke- -- just kept thinking scary things since it was kind of eerie and stuff. Um, and then when the lights turned off -- and really I think it was just a motion-activated light or something or the battery died. And, you know, I'm not super old, so I just like ran and ran. And my friend kept looking behind us. And then we finally got back and then we decided not to go again. And we asked his parents if we could go into the car. And that's what we did.

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“The waterbed had not broke, but my water had broke.”

Back in the seventies, when they had water beds -- the eighties I guess. Yeah, it was mid eighties. I had one in my bedroom -- a twin size one upstairs. And I was pregnant. And I was in the bed -- water bed. I loved that water bed... until I was nine months pregnant, and I woke up, and I thought the bed had broke because it was all wet, and it took me a while to realize that my water had broke, not the bed. The waterbed had not broke, but my water had broke. And I stumbled down the stairs and told my mom, "Let's get a move on." I remember standing out in the hallway and testing it. I whispered it. Of course, it happened late at night, and she was sound asleep in her bedroom, and I opened the door and I whispered, "Mom, my water broke." And I said it a little louder, "Mom, my water broke." She still didn't wake up. So I went and shook her and said, "Mom! My water broke!" And she jumped out of bed, and I had a baby that night.

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“He’s not a class clown, but that was just his go-to song, was the Burger King jingle.”

This past week, as a side note, one of my fifth grade students -- we're, we're writing opinion essays, and for the first time all year, I gave my students permission to listen to music -- school-appropriate music -- quietly as they worked. And it's a win-win because it, it locks them in. A lot of times they focus harder. They go into their own little zone and then I win because they're quieter as a collective and it allows me to work with writers one-on-one a lot easier, you know, without feeling like I'm distracted by others and whatever. But when we, when we got to work, I was helping a student and then suddenly I began hearing, like, -- how's it go, "Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper." It was the, the Burger King jingle, and I looked across the table and I saw one of my fifth graders, like, bobbing his head with his headphones on who clearly had not realized that his music was playing through his actual computer speakers and not his headphones. And I kinda just stared at him for a moment, as did his classmates, and once he realized what was happening he, he blushed hard. He turned, he turned a deep red and he realized his headphones had not been plugged in. But he owned it, and it turns out he was -- his musical choice was listening to an hour loop of the Burger King jingle, I think unironically 'cause he -- he was planning on doing it privately, and he's not much of a, a ham. He's not a class clown, but that was just his go-to song, was the Burger King jingle.

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“Just sitting down under a tree, having the time to talk, was so good.”

So one other prompt was, Has there ever been a moment where you thought, 'This feels straight out of a movie!' And honestly, recently, I went with a friend to a park and it was still, like, Octo- -- no, November. Wait, it's already been a month. It was October 27th. And it was so -- the scenery is so pretty there. Like, the trees are tall, and you can see sunlight seeping through the leaves. I honestly had a main character moment. I'm like, "Am I the main character?" But honestly, that's not gonna happen. It just felt nice just because it's so pretty there. So that felt like it was straight out of, out of a movie. And then we just sat under a tree and talked, and honestly being a student in the IB Program is kind of difficult, and we're always just doing work all the time, or extracurriculars on the side. I have way too much. So my whole life just revolves around extracurriculars and schoolwork now. So just sitting down under a tree, having the time to talk was so good. Good for me emotionally, good for my mental health.

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“But seriously, some of the things that I write come true.”

Literally my entire life, like, everything, is straight out of a movie. I mean, so that's kind of reminding me -- I was thinking about writing this little play called "Prophetic Poems" that's about a bunch of poems and songs that I wrote that came true. So obviously the thing -- it will be a little bit of a stretch of the truth, because I have to make it more interesting. But seriously, some of the things that I write come true. Like I wrote this song called "Just Right Now" for another musical that I was writing with my friend called "Shattered," basically about a princess and an orphan. But anyways, the premise of the song is that we have a princess, and we have a maid. And the princess is kind of like mean and spoiled and she doesn't like see things that are right in front of her, and the like castle servant is in love with the princess, and she's trying to help her and be her friend. And as the princess gets forced to leave the castle, she finds out -- It's like, she discovers, "Oh wait, I've been a terrible person and I'm actually in love with this maid," so they like sing a song about it, and then they leave and they like tell each other through letters. 

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