It’s really difficult being alone and being isolated in these times. I have taken to working out. I used to work out only in my room, but I decided to go out every morning for a quick run. Well, I mostly walk, but then I run for maybe ten minutes and then I returned to my apartment and have breakfast and then work on my proposal.
It’s been very interesting to see how people have reacted to this. When you go outside and someone is walking towards you and they instantly you have to, you know, keep away. Inwardly, you feel weird, like okay, I don’t have the disease, but understand this is for precaution because you never know who has it and you never know how you’re going to get it, if you ever do. So, all this extra care, having to wear the nose mask, having to wash your hands. Well washing hands are sanitary, we should always wash our hands whether it’s COVID or not. But I feel like human beings have been forced to adopt certain behaviors that they ordinarily wouldn’t, and it’s very interesting to see.
I am very excited about how people use social media these days to stay connected. Instagram and Facebook are the two I use the most. I recently discovered Tik-Tok and when I have some free time, I like to create all these videos and send them back home just so my family knows what I’ve been up to.