“A UP Volunteer Firefighters Association has held an annual firefighters tournament since 1894”

I’m a veteran firefighter, volunteer firefighter and a UP Volunteer Firefighters Association has held an annual firefighters tournament since 1894, I think it was. It was canceled this year, postponed I should say until next year because obviously there’s no way to social distance at this thing. So instead of my normal vacation, which I would take for the firefighters tournament, I had some friends from up in the Keweenaw who we always see at the firefighters tournament every year, they went camping this year. So I stopped in to see them, social distancing, we kept our six feet apart and wore masks even then outside. They are good friends and we just kind of – that was our quote-unquote tournament experience. We’ve been going together for the tournament reading at the tournament for more than 20 years, and I’ve been a firefighter, volunteer firefighter since 1982.

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