“A news headline that has stuck out to me? Of course It would be the inauguration.”

A news headline that has stuck out to me? Of course it would be the inauguration. My take as a teacher, I can give you perspective from the lens of an elementary school teacher. I had great reservation about showing the inauguration live to my students, particularly after the insurrection, two perhaps three weeks ago. I was a little concerned that something could happen during the live inauguration ceremonies that I would rather my students not see. However, upon the realization that Washington D.C. was more or less going to be in just about military lockdown more or less, it seemed pretty safe. Chances of something going wrong seemed pretty low. And then I also saw a tweet from Dr. Jill Biden and Jill Biden shared a link to the inauguration the day before, to a link for a student-friendly inauguration ceremony. It had fun facts on the screen, it had explanations of procedure. Frankly, it was honestly a fun form of inauguration coverage for adults as well. Cause there were a number of facts that I did not know throughout. So, I did opt to show the inauguration to my students and I’m really thankful and glad I did.

These times are — these are wild times. I tell my kids frequently that they’re living through history as we speak and I believe I spoke on this last week. We discuss the creation of the United States in fifth grade and we discuss things like primary sources, secondary sources, where do we get — who tells history? And where do we get our facts and artifacts and sources from in history? And I tell these guys that they are the sources for future generations right now just by being here and a witnessing so many historic events this year.

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