“If I taste something and all of a sudden I get, like, my mind’s eye goes to like a fluffy bunny”

This brings me back to the days when I was working as a coffee roaster and we’d get to try the new coffees before we bought them, which was always fun and relied a lot on my taste buds and we’d have to do tastings with new employees at the coffee shop and some people are very stringent in their methods of note taking of what they taste and how they taste and I’ve always been a little more liberal when it comes to things like that. If — you know, if I taste something and all of a sudden I get, like, my mind’s eye goes to like a fluffy bunny, it’s not wrong, that’s just my experience. And, that’s just how my brain is wired. And I — you know, like I associate fluffy bunnies as a good thing. Some people might not. If it — I mean I might not want like bunny fur on my tongue but that’s not what I was getting at. So, when I would hold the tastings, I would — I would let people know that everybody, you know, has different taste buds and likes different things and they’re not wrong. They’re — it’s just how they perceive things.

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