Whales do take my breath away because they’re overwhelming, the sense of — they’re awesome in that sense of awe. Like, do you ever get that feeling sometimes where you’re just like so overwhelmed by — I don’t know, the thought of whales, perhaps, that it’s just like holy s***, how can I even be alive at the same time a whale is alive? Sometimes I feel that way, like about the ocean. Like, ocean is so huge and I am so small. Like, I can hardly bear it if you know what I mean. Do you know what I mean? I can hardly bear thinking about whales sometimes. It’s like, they’re scary. They’re huge. They’re so f****** huge. And yet, you know, most of them are like gentle, and not, yeah, they’re not monsters. And yet they could totally kill you accidentally, or on purpose. It’s just like — I feel like if whales were just a little meaner, they could just kill us all, or if they had legs or I don’t know. It’s like the closest thing to a dinosaur, you know, that you could run into if you were in the ocean. Yeah, I’m in awe of whales, that’s for sure.