“It just always breaks my heart…”

So I had the opportunity to give a spray bottle of hand sanitizer to a person on the side of the road this afternoon, Michigan Diaries. And it just always breaks my heart to see folks standing on the side of the road, with signs often when you exit the highway. I just don’t have it in my power to solve all of those problems for people. Yeah, today fate just kind of lined up. I was cleaning out my storage unit. And I was loaded up, heading back east. And yeah, saw this guy with a sign, “Single father anything helps”. Quickly looked around, kind of my dash area under my car radio. Saw I had a spray bottle hand sanitizer that I keep handy for myself. And yeah, dropped my window down, just shouted out, “Hey man, wanna bottle of hand sanitizer?” And he was like, “Yeah, anything helps!” And he ran up to my car and handed it off and he said, “God bless.” And yeah, I just don’t know where that’s gonna take him. Tough road ahead.

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