“Have you ever been interested – have you ever become interested in something just because you had a really good experience with a particular person? One of our team members was not interested in math until they had a class with a teacher that made it exciting.” Yeah, a great teacher is one of those great experiences in life for me. That’s cool to hear you had that kind of experience. Yeah, branching outside math a little bit ’cause yeah, I’ve definitely, I remember like almost all my math teachers and what I learned for them – from them. There was always, there’s almost always like some central thing that I remember about that class. Or something that they said to me. But yes, have I ever become interested in something just because you had a really good experience with a particular person and maybe something that I wouldn’t have been interested in otherwise… I mean, hopefully not too on the nose, but I didn’t know what sociolinguistics was before I started contributing to Michigan Diaries. I had a broad understanding of what sociology was and linguistics. And I guess you know, I’m still a lay person. But yeah, definitely have, I would say an interest in linguistics, more than I would have had I not participated in Michigan Diaries.