“How did I spend my Halloween?”

How did I spend my Halloween? This was the first year since I was a teenager that I’ve been able to hand out candy ’cause I’ve lived in dorms and apartments for like several years. And of course, you know, you don’t hand out candy in those situations. So this is the first year, and my boyfriend and I both dressed up. So that was a lot of fun, and – let’s see. It sprinkled like a little bit, but other than that, it all worked out really well and I had like – it was so cute because I dressed up kind of like a queen because I was able to find, like, a Renaissance looking dress, and then like one of those prom or bridal tiaras, you know? That you get at like craft stores and stuff. One little girl was like, “Are those real jewels or fake?” So that was really cute, and then one kid – if it was just a few kids, we would let them like pick out their piece of candy from the bucket, and so one kid was like “KitKats! My favorite!” So it was a lot of fun.

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