So I didn’t vote this week. I voted, I think, almost over a month ago now, because Michigan is awesome as heck and we have absentee voting. So I actually kinda forgot it was election day until people were talking about the results. The most important contest was actually to me, not between candidates, but on a ballot proposal which was Proposition 3, which is enshrining the right to reproductive rights in the Michigan Constitution, and it passed. And that makes me really, really happy and really, really relieved that I live in Michigan. I’m originally from Wisconsin which has been gerrymandered all to hell. It’s awful. So, a lot of bad stuff has happened in Wisconsin in the last decade or so, especially, because of that. So, Michigan’s laws and stuff are superior. They really are superior, they are. The way that Michigan votes is the reason that I’m alive. It’s the reason I now have guaranteed reproductive rights. It’s – I will never leave Michigan ever. So yeah, Prop 3 was the most important contest to me personally.