“Someone is obviously engaged in our other major religion, which is lawn care.”

Right now, someone is obviously engaged in our other major religion, which is lawn care. Because I hear someone mowing, which means it’s probably a neighbor. Not saying we don’t, but we definitely do not religiously take care of the yard. We planted ours with, um, with sunflowers and clover and Michigan native grasses and we get fireflies like crazy. And butterflies, and bees. It’s pretty cool. So yeah, there’s that. It was actually kind of a cool thing to talk about to be honest. Grateful that no one in my household is that interested in having a — is not interested at all in having a manicured lawn. You know, which means that we’ve probably saved on water a little bit this summer too, because we’re not watering the lawn. We’re watering our, um, our flowers and vegetables and such. So there’s that.

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