“So, that’s why I would like to have three arms instead of three legs or three heads.”

Would you rather have three arms, three legs, or three heads? I would probably go with three arms because three arms would be pretty cool to have. A lot of the time — sometimes I feel like I want to have four arms because then I could do lots of multitasking. Or I could grab more things and hold more things. And three legs would be kind of weird since you, you’d be — you’d have uneven legs which would be kind of weird, but I guess having uneven arms is also kind of weird, but three heads would not be very good because, you — like, what if, like, you wouldn’t be able to control them? So, you’d have like three personalities, but even if you could control them, you’d have three heads to control and that’d be a lot.
Um, and also, um, it would just be kind of weird. But maybe if I had this third arm, it could be somewhere more in the middle, like on my stomach or something. But I guess it’d be kind of weird. But I’d like it to be more in the middle. So, like, I don’t just have like uneven arm sets. Or I rather have the arm on my right side because I’m right-handed. [Yawn] Sorry, um, and like I’m not left-handed like at all. I can like barely do anything with my left hand. I just use it for more grip or something. Like I cannot write with my left hand, like hold things with my left hand. I just can’t really do things with my left hand. But I bet if I practiced, I would be better because I have a friend who can do really good drawing with their left hand. Um, and yeah, so that’s why I would like to have three arms instead of three legs or three heads.

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