“He slams the door and he says, ‘There’s a big moth in there. I’m gonna get it before I go to sleep.'”

When I was a kid, we had one bathroom upstairs for the bedrooms and a half bathroom downstairs that didn’t have a shower or a tub, and the bathroom upstairs was the one of course you used at night when you went to bed. And one night as we were getting ready to go to bed, my dad was the last one in the bathroom and I could hear — you could hear him banging and doing things in there. And finally he comes and he slams the door and he says, “There’s a big moth in there. I’m gonna get it before I go to sleep.” This was back in the summer before we had air conditioning and all that kind of stuff. So my dad is in the bathroom. You can hear him slapping the towels, and slapping the walls trying to get this, this moth. So he finally gets it. He cleans it off the wall. He throws it — you know, with a piece of toilet paper — and he throws it in the toilet and flushes. He comes out and he goes, “I think I got it” and he goes, “Oh, I forgot to go to the bathroom.” So he goes back in there. And evidently when he lifts the seat the ma- — moth comes flying back out at him. The moth was not dead. And he is chasing that moth again. I don’t know — I, I laughed until I cried.

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