Going through security at the Manchester, New Hampshire airport is also possibly the best security I’ve ever gone through. I packed my stuff very carefully so — to come home — so that my carry-on — I pulled out my plastic bag with my toiletries and stuff and laid it on the thing and did all the stuff you’re supposed to do and set it on. Well, the gal behind me had been at the knitting convention also. We’d both been given these gigantic bags of free yarn. And I had left mine in the plastic bag thinking — and it was in my, my big suitcase so it didn’t go through security with me. It had gone to the luggage land. But this gal that was behind me in the security line, she put her carry-on on the thing and the guy asked her to open it and she was looking for her toiletries and her toiletries were at the bottom. And as she opened her bag, the yarn exploded out of the suitcase. It was bright orange yarn. She had nine skeins, about the size of a football, of bright orange yarn stuffed in that bag and it just, like, popped out and exploded over the belt that carries your luggage forward.
The guys at the security, at, uh, security there, started laughing. I was laughing and I said to the guys, I said, “We were at a yarn convention.” And the guy said, “Well,” he said, “it’s okay.” And she was like, “Well, I’ll get it picked up. I’ll get it picked.” He says, “Look behind you lady. There is nobody here. It’s a Sunday morning and you ladies are the only ones here and if it takes you a while we don’t care.” And he started laughing and he said — besides that he says, “We’re wondering how many more of you are gonna have this experience.” He says, “You’re the third one this morning that’s had the yarn explode out of the carry-on.” And he looked at me and he said, “Where’s yours?” And I said, “Oh I put mine in my, my big suitcase.” And he laughed and he said, “That was a good idea.” So that was a lot of fun. Not so much for her, but it was pretty funny. The whole thing with the yarn came flying, flying out of the carry-on. It was pretty funny, especially since it was big orange skeins.