“…shortly after that panic attack, a turtle popped his head up within almost arms length of me.”

Have you ever been to a pool or lake or something gross or dangerous? No, I mean, that’s –I don’t really like swimming in that. I’m always afraid of what might be in the water. I remember, I was in Hawaii one time and swimming in the ocean, which is kind of a cool experience. And all of a sudden I sort of had this panic attack like I didn’t know what was around me, or under me. Basically I had no idea. And shortly after that panic attack, a turtle popped his head up within almost arm’s length of me, and I just thought, okay, as cool as this is and it was, and I was kind of freaking out because I am so excited that the turtle was literally right there. I also kind of thought, okay there could be anything in this water. We have absolutely no idea what is around us so I really — I really was sort of freaked out and very excited at the same time.

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