This week I’m grateful for so many things, but I’m especially grateful for my teachers. Not just my current teachers, but my previous teachers as well. This weekend, I made it a point to contact some of my previous teachers and let them know that they made a big impact on my life and shaped who I am. I realized that me and a lot of other kids literally spend more than half of our lives at school, and so, the environment our teachers and our peers create at school makes a big difference in our lives. The responses I got from my teachers were very heartwarming. One of them said that being a teacher is a roller coaster of a profession. And sometimes teachers really ask themselves, especially in the pandemic, they ask themselves if what they does really does make a difference. And so my email to her really made her realize that, you know, what she does, does make a difference and it reminded her why she loves what she does. And that made me feel really happy because she was one of my favorite teachers and she definitely made an enormous difference in not just my life, but in the lives of all of her students.