“Horror movies have absolutely ruined some of the best friendships I’ve had in my life.”

I’m going to be completely honest, I almost laughed when I saw that the genre, the theme for this week was horror. Horror movies have absolutely ruined some of the best friendships I’ve had in my life. And this is the only connection I ever make to horror movies now. Essentially — I don’t want to tell this story again. I feel like I’m living in the past, you know, but it genuinely hurt me and it was for some reason all about horror movies, cuz I suggested, “Hey, me, you and the other two friends that we’re all really close with, we’re having a sleepover. But can we not watch horror movies? Can we maybe play games or something?” And then, to my surprise, the meeting was almost — people were like, “Yeah, yeah, we could do that.” And then, almost immediately the whole thing got canceled. I found out months later during my birthday party that it was not canceled. They just said it was canceled and then invited everyone else besides me, because I said I didn’t wanna watch horror movies. Yeah, that’s a lot of the association I have with horror.

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