But I was really quite known for being a little bit of a class clown. And so for example, one of the courses we took where I have a pretty good memory of this — It was my certificate for student affairs, so I was in student development. And the professor, ironically, was my very first on-campus boss. So I know him very well and vice versa. And so, it was quite humorous to both of us because he would call on me — and I worked, at the time, in residential life and so the wildest things would happen in my life being on call. I watched students get tased, I watched a kid try to climb in a manhole, like things that you just don’t normally see. And so, [he] would constantly call on me to share and I would get student — I would have, like, my fellow classmates just rolling, because I could retell the story pretty well. And it was factual, I wasn’t necessarily trying to be funny, but I feel like I have good delivery. And so, I remember a lot of times just being the one that he would kind of hold up as like, “Okay, so she’s gonna talk about this theory.” Or we would talk about students and just their development and how sometimes they just do the stupidest s***. So I really enjoyed — those were the times I enjoyed.